sandbox_container_id | Teradata Python Package - sandbox_container_id - Teradata Package for Python

Teradata® Package for Python User Guide

Teradata Package for Python
Release Number
May 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage

The sandbox_container_id configuration property indicates the Docker container that will be used by the test_script() method of the Script class. This property is automatically set to the container id of the container started when running setup_sandbox_env().

User script is run on the container indicated by this property in sandbox mode. The container is cleaned up by Garbage Collector at the end of a session and this property is set back to None.

  • By default, it is set to None, which means a sandbox container is not started from within teradataml.
  • When a sandbox container is started from within teradataml, this property is set to the id of that sandbox container.
  • If a user wants to use any other container, this property needs to be manually set to that container id using configure.sandbox_container_id = <container id>.
    In this case, teradataml is not responsible for container cleanup at the end of a session.


  1. Import the required modules.
    >>> from teradataml.table_operators.sandbox_container_util import setup_sandbox_env
    >>> from teradataml.table_operators.Script import Script
    >>> from collections import OrderedDict
    >>> from teradatasqlalchemy import (VARCHAR)
  2. Check the configuration property value for teradataml.
    >>> print("configure.sandbox_container_id is set to: {}".format(configure.sandbox_container_id))
    configure.sandbox_container_id is set to: None
  3. Load sandbox image and start a container.
    >>> setup_sandbox_env(sandbox_image_location="/tmp/sto_sandbox_image.tar.gz", sandbox_image_name="stosandbox:1.0")
    Loading image from /tmp/sto_sandbox_image.tar.gz. It may take few minutes. 
    Image loaded successfully.
    Container abcd8211241e801ecb584e9382f2e581312f805fddcf8507f9c8731dfbffae38 started successfully.
  4. Check the configuration property value for teradataml, after a container is started.
    >>> print("configure.sandbox_container_id is set to: {}".format(configure.sandbox_container_id))
    configure.sandbox_container_id is set to: abcd8211241e801ecb584e9382f2e581312f805fddcf8507f9c8731dfbffae38
  5. Load example data.
    >>> load_example_data("Script", ["barrier"])
  6. Create teradataml DataFrame objects.
    >>> barrierdf = DataFrame.from_table("barrier")
  7. Create a Script object to run a script on Vantage.

    The script "" reads in a line of text input ("Old Macdonald Had A Farm") from csv and splits the line into individual words, emitting a new row for each word.

    >>> sto = Script(data=barrierdf,
                files_local_path= 'data/scripts',
                script_command='python3 ./alice/',
                charset='latin', returns=OrderedDict([("word", VARCHAR(15)), ("count_input", VARCHAR(2))])
  8. Run test_script() on the container created in step 3.
    >>> sto.test_script(input_data_file='../barrier.csv')
    ############ STDOUT Output ############
            word count_input
    0  Macdonald           1
    1          A           1
    2       Farm           1
    3        Had           1
    4        Old           1
    5          1           1
    If the user has started a container outside teradataml with container_id '3a938ac820be' and wants to run script on that container:
    1. Set configure.sandbox_container_id to the new container id.
      >>> configure.sandbox_container_id = '3a938ac820be'
    2. Check the configuration property value for teradataml.
      >>> print("configure.sandbox_container_id is set to: {}".format(configure.sandbox_container_id))
      configure.sandbox_container_id is set to: 3a938ac820be
    3. Run test_script() on container with id '3a938ac820be'.
      >>> sto.test_script(input_data_file='../barrier.csv')
      ############ STDOUT Output ############
              word count_input
      0  Macdonald           1
      1          A           1
      2       Farm           1
      3        Had           1
      4        Old           1
      5          1           1
  9. Exit the session.
    >>> remove_context()
    This cleans up the container created in step 3.
  10. Check the configuration property value for teradataml again, after the container is cleaned up.
    >>> print("configure.sandbox_container_id is set to: {}".format(configure.sandbox_container_id))
    configure.sandbox_container_id is set to: None