Scoring with Random Forest | BYOM | Teradata Package for R - Scoring with Random Forest - Teradata Package for R

Teradata® Package for R User Guide

Teradata Package for R
Release Number
July 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage
  1. Load libraries and Boston dataset.
    > library(pmml)
    > library(MASS)
    > library(randomForest)
    > dataBox <- xform_wrap(Boston)
  2. Get the current context (connection).
    # Get the current context/connection.
    > con <- td_get_context()$connection
  3. Normalize all numeric variables of the loaded Boston dataset to lie between 0 and 1.
    # Normalize all numeric variables of the loaded boston dataset to lie
    # between 0 and 1.
    > dataBox <- xform_min_max(dataBox)
  4. Include only derived fields for modeling last element derived_medv index.
    # Include only derived fields for modeling
    # last element derived_medv index
    > last <- length(names(dataBox$data))
  5. Create dataset without original predictors 1-13 and last derived_medv to train the model.
    # Create dataset without original predictors 1-13 and last derived_medv
    # to train the model.
    > dataset <- dataBox$data[-c(1:13, eval(last))]
    > names(dataset)
  6. Generate random forest model and save the model to a pmml file.
    # Generate random forest model and save it to a pmml file.
    > fit <- randomForest(medv ~ ., data=na.omit(dataset), ntree=50)
    > tpmml <- pmml(fit, transforms = dataBox)
  7. Save pmml file in the tdplyr installation directory.
    # pmml file will be saved in the tdplyr installation directory.
    > save_pmml(tpmml,"boston_trans_normcont_model.pmml")
  8. Create a "pmml_models" table on Vantage and insert pmml file in the BLOB column of the table.
    # User should create a 'pmml_models' table on Vantage and insert pmml file in the
    # BLOB column of the table.
    # Create following table on vantage.
    > crt_tbl <- "CREATE SET TABLE pmml_models(model_id VARCHAR(40), model BLOB)
                  PRIMARY INDEX (model_id);"
    > DBI::dbExecute(con, crt_tbl)
  9. Create a file load_pmml_model.txt that has a model_id and a model file name.
    # Create a file load_pmml_model.txt that has a model_id and a model file name
    # entry such as:
    # boston_trans_normcont_model|boston_trans_normcont_model.pmml
    # This file and the pmml models to be loaded should be in the same directory.
  10. Load model.
    • Load model with BTEQ.
      # Loading model with BTEQ.
      # .import vartext file load_pmml_model.txt
      # .repeat *
      # USING (c1 VARCHAR(40), c2 BLOB AS DEFERRED BY NAME) INSERT INTO pmml_models(:c1, :c2);
    • Load model with TDStudio.
      # Loading model with TDStudio. The '?' will open a GUI to browse the PMML file
      # that needs to be updated.
      # insert into pmml_models values ('iris_db_rf_model', ?);
  11. Load sample test dataset.
    # Load the sample test dataset.
    > loadExampleData("pmmlpredict_example", "boston")
  12. Create object of class "tbl_teradata" on the sample test dataset.
    # Create object of class "tbl_teradata" on this dataset.
    > boston <- tbl(con, "boston")
  13. Create a sample test data to score.
    # Create a sample test data to score. 
    > boston_test <- td_sample(df=boston, n=0.3)
  14. Select the pmml file to be used for scoring.
    # select the pmml file to be used for scoring.
    > modeldata <- tbl(con, "pmml_models") %>% filter(model_id=='boston_trans_normcont_model')
  15. Perform scoring.
    # Perform scoring.
    > result <- td_pmml_predict_sqle(modeldata = modeldata, newdata = boston_test, accumulate = c("id"))
    > result
    ############ result ############
    # Source:   SQL [?? x 1]
    # Database: Teradata
    # Groups: 
          id prediction         json_report                             
       <int> <chr>              <chr>                                   
     1   425 13.842523809523811 "{\"Predicted_medv\":13.842523809523811}"
     2    40 30.47793333333333  "{\"Predicted_medv\":30.47793333333333}"
     3    80 20.82613333333333  "{\"Predicted_medv\":20.82613333333333}"
     4   345 30.578633333333332 "{\"Predicted_medv\":30.578633333333332}"
     5   265 35.1652            "{\"Predicted_medv\":35.1652}"          
     6   305 34.18370000000001  "{\"Predicted_medv\":34.18370000000001}"
     7   320 20.92856666666667  "{\"Predicted_medv\":20.92856666666667}"
     8   375 18.00184666666667  "{\"Predicted_medv\":18.00184666666667}"
     9     5 34.78486666666667  "{\"Predicted_medv\":34.78486666666667}"
    10    20 18.954966666666667 "{\"Predicted_medv\":18.954966666666667}"
    # … with more rows