Use CFilter and R Graphics with Teradata Package for R - Using CFilter and R Graphics with Teradata Package for R - Teradata Package for R

Teradata® Package for R User Guide

Teradata Package for R
Release Number
July 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage
This example uses the td_cfilter_mle() function from the tdplyr package to examine a dataset of grocery store transactions to identify items that are often bought together. This example also shows how R Graphics functions can be used with the output of tdplyr analytic functions.

The input data is shown in the following table "shopping_tbl".

trans_id date store_id region item sku category
1 20100715 1 west milk 1 dairy
1 20100715 1 west butter 2 dairy
1 20100715 1 west eggs 3 dairy
1 19990715 1 west flour 4 baking
2 20100715 1 west milk 1 dairy
2 20100715 1 west butter 2 dairy
2 20100715 1 west eggs 3 dairy
3 20100715 1 west milk 1 dairy
3 20100715 1 west eggs 3 dairy
3 19990715 1 west flour 4 baking
4 20100715 1 west milk 1 dairy
4 20100715 1 west butter 2 dairy
5 20100715 2 west butter 2 dairy
5 20100715 2 west eggs 3 dairy
5 19990715 2 west flour 4 baking
6 20100715 2 west milk 1 dairy
6 20100715 2 west eggs 3 dairy
7 20100715 2 west eggs 3 dairy
7 19990715 2 west flour 4 baking
8 20100715 3 west butter 2 dairy
8 20100715 3 west eggs 3 dairy
8 19990715 3 west flour 4 baking
  1. Create a tibble "tddf_shopping_tbl" from the table "shopping_tbl" in the database.
    tddf_shopping_tbl <- tbl(con, "shopping_tbl")
  2. Call the td_cfilter_mle() function.
    td_cfilter_out <- td_cfilter_mle(
    	data = tddf_shopping_tbl,
    	input.columns = c("item"),
    	join.columns = c("trans_id"),
    	add.columns = c("region")
  3. Inspect the results.
  4. Take the results of interest from the function output, and use the R library "circlize" to display these results graphically in a chord diagram.
    1. Install the R library "circlize" on your R client, if it is not already installed. And load the library.
    2. Create the graph.
      The resulting diagram is shown here.

      Discover the chord diagram plotted using R Graphics function to show the results of CFilter function.