After installation, the TPTAPI samples reside in the following datasets
where <TTU> is the installation prefix:
TPT Datasets (for the TDP variant) Database Name Description <TTU>.SAMPLIB TTU Sample Library (includes TPT and TPTAPI) <TTU>.TPT.H TPTAPI SDK and Sample .H files TPT Datasets (for the Gateway variant) Database Name Description <TTU>.GTW.SAMPLIB TTU Sample Library (includes TPT and TPTAPI) <TTU>.GTW.TPT.H. TPTAPI SDK and Sample .H files The application libraries are as follows:
TPT Application Libraries (for the TDP variant) Dataset Name Description <TTU>.TPTLOAD TPT/TPTAPI Application Load Library <TTU>.APPLOAD TTU/CLI Application Load Library <TTU>.SDSNMACS TPTAPI Definition Side Deck Import Library TPT Application Libraries (for the Gateway variant) Dataset Name Description <TTU>.GTW.TPTLOAD TPT/TPTAPI Application Load Library <TTU>.GTW.APPLOAD TTU/CLI Application Load Library <TTU>.GTW.SDSNMACS TPTAPI Definition Side Deck Import Library The TPT Sample Library PDS Member Naming Standards are as follow (8 bytes):
PT t aaaaa
TPT Sample Library PDS Member Naming Standards This Variable... Defines the... PT TPT product identifier t Type of the item Possible values include:- $= JCL item
- # = JCL PROC item
- @ = TPT Job Variables
- B = BTEQ Script
- S = TPT Script
- C = C or C++ Program Sample
- T = Text Document
- I = Program Input
- H = Program Header File
- X = Notify Exit
aaaaa Unique item identifier All of the below member names exist for both the TDP and Gateway variants.The Gateway variant of TPT uses the Gateway variant of CLI, which must run under POSIX(ON) environment. Hence, all the sample JCLs that run the TPTAPI applications now contain the runtime option CEEOPTS to set POSIX(ON). Similarly, all the sample CPP files that contain the main() function now use 'pragma runopts(POSIX(ON))'. POSIX(ON) can be used for the TDP variant too, just that it is mandatory when using the Gateway variant. Any of the following methods can be used to set the POSIX(ON) runtime option:- Using CEEOPTS in JCL. Example:
- Using PARM statement in JCL. Example:
- Using '#pragma runopts(POSIX(ON))' in the TPTAPI application code that contains the main() function.
The Gateway variant of TPTAPI library will fail to connect with an error if POSIX is OFF.
Starting with the TPT 17.10 version, the Gateway variant of TPTAPI supports a new attribute called TD_CONNECTSTRING. On z/OS, the TDP variant of TPTAPI does not support the TD_CONNECTSTRING attribute and the attribute will be ignored. -
Become familiar with the Teradata API methods in the sample
The SDK consists of the following components:
SDK *.H Unix Name z/OS Name connection.h CONNECTI DMLGroup.h DMLGROUP schema.h SCHEMA Dynamic DDL SDK *.H Unix Name z/OS Name connectionX.h CONNECTX DMLGroupX.h DMLGROUPX schemaX.h SCHEMAX The Generic Driver example consists of the following components:
Generic Driver *.CPP Unix Name z/OS Name Description main.cpp PTCMAIN Main Entry Point Console for the Generic Driver OptionsManager.cpp PTCOPTMA Options Manager GenericDriver.cpp PTCGENDR Generic Driver Example Generic Driver *.H Unix Name z/OS Name connection.h CONNECTI DMLGroup.h DMLGROUP schema.h SCHEMA GenericDriver.h PTCGENDR OptionsManager.h PTCOPTMA Generic Driver JCL Unix Name z/OS Name Description n/a PT$CMVS Compile and Bind the Generic Driver n/a PT$MVSGO Generic Drive Execution Generic Driver Configuration File Unix Name z/OS Name Description n/a PTIGENDR Generic Drive Input setupTables.bteq PTBGDSET BTEQ script to set up generic driver test cleanupTables.bteq PTBGDREM BTEQ script to delete generic driver tables The Dynamic DLL Generic Driver Example consists of the following components:
Dynamic DLL Generic Driver *.CPP Unix Name z/OS Name Description main.cpp PTCMAIN Main Entry Point Console for the Generic Driver OptionsManager.cpp PTCOPTMA Options Manager GenericDriver.cpp PTCGENDD Generic Driver Example dynlib.cpp PTCDLLIB Dynamically Loads DLL Dynamic DLL Generic Driver *.H Unix Name z/OS Name connectionX.h CONNECTX DMLGroupX.h DMLGRPX schemaX.h SCHEMAX GenericDriver.h PTCGENDR OptionsManager.h PTCOPTMA dynlib.h PTCDLLIB Dynamic DLL Generic Driver JCL Unix Name z/OS Name Description n/a PT$CMVSD Compile and Bind the Generic Driver n/a PT$MVSDG Generic Drive Execution The Multi Node Main consists of the following components:
Multi Node Main *.CPP Unix Name z/OS Name Description fileio.cpp PTCFILIO File Input and Output for the multi-node Main and Worker master.cpp PTCMASTR Main for the multi-node example multitest.cpp PTCMULTI Multi-node routines OptionsManager.cpp PTCOPTMA Options Manager synchronize.cpp PTCSYNCR Multi-node synchronization routines Multi Node Main *.H Unix Name z/OS Name connection.h CONNECTI DMLGroup.h DMLGROUP schema.h SCHEMA fileio.h PTCFILIO synchronize.h PTCSYNCR multitest.h PTCMULTI OptionsManager.h PTCOPTMA Multi Node Main JCL Unix Name z/OS Name Description n/a PT$CMNMS Compile and Bind the Multi-Node Main n/a PT$MNMSG Execution JCL for the Multi-Node Main Multi Node Main Configuration Files Unix Name z/OS Name Description n/a PTIMNMST Input for the Multi-Node Main setupTables.bteq PTBMNSET BTEQ script to set up multi-node test cleanupTables.bteq PTBMNREM BTEQ script to delete multi-node tables The Dynamic DLL Multi Node Main consists of the following components:
Dynamic DLL Multi Node Main *.CPP Unix Name z/OS Name Description fileio.cpp PTCFILIO File Input and Output for the multi-node Main and Worker master.cpp PTCMASTD Main for the multi-node example multitest.cpp PTCMULTD Multi-node routines OptionsManager.cpp PTCOPTMA Options Manager synchronize.cpp PTCSYNCD Multi-node synchronization routines dynlib.cpp PTCDLLIB Dynamically Loads the DLL Dynamic DLL Multi Node Main *.H Unix Name z/OS Name connectionX.h CONNECTX DMLGroupX.h DMLGRPX schemaX.h SCHEMAX fileio.h PTCFILIO synchronize.h PTCSYNCD multitest.h PTCMULTD OptionsManager.h PTCOPTMA dynlib.h PTCDLLIB Dynamic DLL Multi Node Main JCL Unix Name z/OS Name Description n/a PT$CMNMD Compile and Bind the Multi-Node Main n/a PT$MNMDG Execution JCL for the Multi-Node Main The Multi Node Worker consists of the following components:
Multi Node Worker *.CPP Unix Name z/OS Name Description fileio.cpp PTCFILIO File Input and Output for the multi-node Main and Worker slave.cpp PTCSLAVE Worker for the multi-node example multitest.cpp PTCMULTI Multi-node routines OptionsManager.cpp PTCOPTMA Options Manager synchronize.cpp PTCSYNCR Multi-node synchronization routines Multi Node Worker *.H Unix Name z/OS Name connection.h CONNECTI schema.h SCHEMA DMLGroup.h DMLGROUP fileio.h PTCFILIO synchronize.h PTCSYNCR multitest.h PTCMULTI OptionsManager.h PTCOPTMA Multi Node Worker JCL Unix Name z/OS Name Description n/a PT$CMNS Compile and Bind the Multi-Node Worker n/a PT$MNSLG Execution JCL for the Multi-Node Worker Multi Node Worker Configuration Files Unix Name z/OS Name Description n/a PTIMNS Input for the Multi-Node Worker The Dynamic DLL Multi Node Worker consists of the following components:
Dynamic DLL Multi Node Worker *.CPP Unix Name z/OS Name Description fileio.cpp PTCFILIO File Input and Output for the multi-node Main and Worker slave.cpp PTCSLAVD Worker for the multi-node example multitest.cpp PTCMULTD Multi-node routines OptionsManager.cpp PTCOPTMA Options Manager synchronize.cpp PTCSYNCD Multi-node synchronization routines dynlib.cpp PTCDLLIB Dynamically Loads the DLL Dynamic DLL Multi Node Worker *.H Unix Name z/OS Name connectionX.h CONNECTX schemaX.h SCHEMAX DMLGroupX.h DMLGRPX fileio.h PTCFILIO synchronize.h PTCSYNCD multitest.h PTCMULTD OptionsManager.h PTCOPTMA dynlib.h PTCDLLIB Dynamic DLL Multi Node Worker JCL Unix Name z/OS Name Description n/a PT$CMNSD Compile and Bind the Multi-Node Worker n/a PT$MNSDG Execution JCL for the Multi-Node Worker The Parallel Thread Example consists of the following components:
Parallel Thread *.CPP Unix Name z/OS Name Description OptionsManager.cpp PTCOPTMA Options Manager PerfTestMessage.cpp PTCPERFT Performance Test Messages for the Thread Example TelapiThreadTest.cpp PTCTELTH Thread Test Main Console Application TestBase.cpp PTCBASET Thread Test: TestBase TestExport.cpp PTCEXPRT Thread Test: TestExport TestLoad.cpp PTCLOADT Thread Test: TestLoad TestSim.cpp PTCSIMT Thread Test: TestSim TestStream.cpp PTCSTRMT Thread Test: Test Stream TestUpdate.cpp PTCUPDAT Thread Test: Test Update ThreadTestParameters.cpp PTCTHDPA Thread Test Parameters ThreadTest.cpp PTCTHDTE Thread Test Synchronizer.cpp PTCTSYNC Thread Synchronizer Parallel Thread *.H Unix Name z/OS Name common.h COMMON connection.h CONNECTI schema.h SCHEMA DMLGroup.h DMLGROUP OptionsManager.h PTCOPTMA PerfTestMessage.h PTCPERFT TestBase.h PTCBASET TestExport.h PTCEXPRT TestLoad.h PTCLOADT TestSim.h PTCSIMT TestStream.h PTCSTRMT TestUpdate.h PTCUPDAT ThreadTestParameters.h PTCTHDPA ThreadTest.h PTCTHDTE Synchronizer.h PTCTSYNC Parallel Thread JCL Unix Name z/OS Name Description n/a PT$CTHD Compile and Bind the Parallel Thread Example n/a PT$THDGO Execution JCL for the Parallel Thread Example Parallel Thread Configuration Files n/a PTIPAR Input for the Parallel Thread Example setupTables.bteq PTBTHSET BTEQ script to set up the Parallel Thread Example cleanupTables.bteq PTBTHREM BTEQ script to delete Parallel Thread Tables The Dynamic DLL Parallel Thread example consists of the following components:
Dynamic DLL Parallel Thread *.CPP Unix Name z/OS Name Description OptionsManager.cpp PTCOPTMA Options Manager PerfTestMessage.cpp PTCPERTD Performance Test Messages for the Thread Example TelapiThreadTest.cpp PTCTELTD Thread Test Main Console Application TestBase.cpp PTCBASTD Thread Test: TestBase TestExport.cpp PTCEXPTD Thread Test: TestExport TestLoad.cpp PTCLODTD Thread Test: TestLoad TestSim.cpp PTCSIMTD Thread Test: TestSim TestStream.cpp PTCSTRTD Thread Test: Test Stream TestUpdate.cpp PTCUPDTD Thread Test: Test Update ThreadTestParameters.cpp PTCTHTPD Thread Test Parameters ThreadTest.cpp PTCTHDTD Thread Test Synchronizer.cpp PTCTSYND Thread Synchronizer dynlib.cpp PTCDLLIB Dynamically Loads the DLL Dynamic DLL Parallel Thread *.H Unix Name z/OS Name common.h COMMOND connectionX.h CONNECTX schemaX.h SCHEMAX DMLGroupX.h DMLGRPX OptionsManager.h PTCOPTMA PerfTestMessage.h PTCPERTD TestBase.h PTCBASTD TestExport.h PTCEXPTD TestLoad.h PTCLODTD TestSim.h PTCSIMTD TestStream.h PTCSTRTD TestUpdate.h PTCUPDTD ThreadTestParameters.h PTCTHTPD ThreadTest.h PTCTHDTD Synchronizer.h PTCTSYND dynlib.h PTCDLLIB Dynamic DLL Parallel Thread JCL Unix Name z/OS Name Description n/a PT$CTHDD Compile and Bind the Parallel Thread Example n/a PT$THDDG Execution JCL for the Parallel Thread Example
Add a Job Card and update the JCL variables to match the Installation
Development Environment for the following JCL members:
PT$CMNMS: Compile the Multi Node Main Example
PT$CMNS: Compile the Multi Node Worker Example
PT$CMVS: Compile the Generic Driver Example
PT$CTHD: Compile the Parallel Thread Example
Dynamic DLL
PT$CMNMD: Compile the Multi Node Main Example
PT$CMNSD: Compile the Multi Node Worker Example
PT$CMVSD: Compile the Generic Driver Example
PT$CTHDD: Compile the Parallel Thread Example
The JCL uses the following standard JCL Variables (these should be updated to reflect the customer's requirements).
Standard JCL Variables Name Default Value Description TTUPREF none (must be provided by customer) The installation dataset prefix SAMPLIB &TTUPREF..SAMPLIB The TTU sample library HFILES &TTUPREF..TPT.H The TPTAPI .H files DEVPREF none (must be provided by customer) The prefix for the developer’s private datasets OBJLIB &DEVPREF..OBJLIB The OBJECT library for the Compile JOBS SAMPLOAD &DEVPREF..LOADLIB The LOAD library for the Compile JOBS TPTLOAD &TTUPREF..TPTLOAD The TPT application Load Library APPLOAD &TTUPREF..APPLOAD The TTU/CLI application Load Library TPTDATA &TTUPREF..TPT.H The TPTAPI data is located in the .H Library - Execute the compile jobs.
Change the database machine name (TDP), database user name, and
database user password in the following files:
PTBGDSET: Set up the Generic Driver Example
PTBGDREM: Tear down the Generic Driver Example
PTBMNSET: Set up the Multi Node Example
PTBMNREM: Tear down the Multi Node Example
PTBTHSET: Set up the Parallel Thread Example
PTBTHREM: Tear down the Parallel Thread Example
Change the database machine name (TDP), database user name, and
database user password in the following files:
PTIGENDR: The Generic Driver configuration parameters
PTIMNMST: The Multi Node Main configuration parameters
PTIMNS: The Multi Node Worker configuration parameters
PTIPAR: The Parallel Thread configuration parameters
Add JOB cards and update the JCL variables in the test jobs:
PT$MNMSG: The Multi Node Main example
PT$MNSLG: The Multi Node Worker example
PT$MVSGO: The Generic Driver example
PT$THDGO: The Parallel Thread example
Dynamic DLL:
PT$MNMDG: The Multi Node Main example
PT$MNSDG: The Multi Node Worker example
PT$MVSDG: The Generic Driver example
PT$THDDG: The Parallel Thread example
Execute the test jobs.
The JOB outputs should look something like the following:
1) Multi Node Main Output: Waiting for 1 workers Accepted client 0 Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Received TD_SYNC_TELINFO Sending TELINFO of size 2288 TELINFO sync finished Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Switching to barrier 1 Connection Initiate finished Sent 50 rows Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Switching to barrier 2 Connection EndAcquisition complete Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Switching to barrier 0 Connection ApplyRows complete Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Switching to barrier 1 Connection terminated Test completed Press any key to continue 2) Multi Node Worker Output Connecting to Connection accepted Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Received TD_SYNC_TELINFO Receiving TELINFO of size 2288 TELINFO sync finished Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Switching to barrier 1 Connection Initiate finished Sent 50 rows Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Switching to barrier 2 Connection EndAcquisition complete Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Switching to barrier 0 Connection ApplyRows complete Received TD_SYNC_Barrier Switching to barrier 1 Connection terminated Test completed Press any key to continue 3) Generic Driver Output *** Load Driver Example *** Driver Initiated with status 3 max rec length is 251 End of file reached Sent 10 rows Acquisition completed with status 3 Rows Applied with status 3 Load completed successfully Driver Terminated with status 3 Deleting objects *** Load Complete *** 4) Parallel Thread Output Multi-Threaded Load Test [Manager] Creating Thread 0/4 [Manager] Creating Thread 1/4 [Manager] Creating Thread 2/4 obj location: fec2298 obj location: fec2138 [Manager] Creating Thread 3/4 obj location: fec2558 obj location: fec23f8 [Thread 4] Barrier Message [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 3] Barrier Message [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 2] Barrier Message [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 1] Barrier Message [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [0] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 4] TELINFO Message [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 3] TELINFO Message [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 2] TELINFO Message [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 1] TELINFO Message [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [1] [Manager] TELINFO Barrier Reached [Manager] Synchronizing TELINFO [Manager] TELINFO Synchronized [Thread 1] Barrier Message [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 4] Barrier Message [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 2] Barrier Message [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 3] Barrier Message [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [0] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 4] Barrier Message [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 2] Barrier Message [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 3] Barrier Message [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 1] Barrier Message [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [1] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 4] End of Method [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 2] End of Method [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 3] End of Method [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 1] End of Method [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [0] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 4] Driver Initiated [Thread 4] Sent row 0: 41634 [Thread 4] Sent row 1: 1286818 [Thread 4] Sent row 2: 3908258 [Thread 4] Sent row 3: 6529698 [Thread 4] Sent row 4: 2400930 [Thread 4] Sent row 5: 6398626 [Thread 4] Sent row 6: 1024674 [Thread 4] Sent row 7: 4891298 [Thread 4] Sent row 8: 3515042 [Thread 4] Sent row 9: 2007714 [Thread 4] Barrier Message [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 2] Driver Initiated [Thread 2] Sent row 0: 172706 [Thread 2] Sent row 1: 1155746 [Thread 2] Sent row 2: 2269858 [Thread 2] Sent row 3: 893602 [Thread 2] Sent row 4: 2138786 [Thread 2] Sent row 5: 762530 [Thread 2] Sent row 6: 3383970 [Thread 2] Sent row 7: 631458 [Thread 2] Sent row 8: 3252898 [Thread 2] Sent row 9: 1876642 [Thread 2] Barrier Message [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 3] Driver Initiated [Thread 3] Sent row 0: 2663074 [Thread 3] Sent row 1: 5284514 [Thread 3] Sent row 2: 3777186 [Thread 3] Sent row 3: 3646114 [Thread 3] Sent row 4: 6267554 [Thread 3] Sent row 5: 4760226 [Thread 3] Sent row 6: 500386 [Thread 3] Sent row 7: 1483426 [Thread 3] Sent row 8: 4104866 [Thread 3] Sent row 9: 2597538 [Thread 3] Barrier Message [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 1] Driver Initiated [Thread 1] Sent row 0: 4039330 [Thread 1] Sent row 1: 2532002 [Thread 1] Sent row 2: 5153442 [Thread 1] Sent row 3: 5022370 [Thread 1] Sent row 4: 6136482 [Thread 1] Sent row 5: 1745570 [Thread 1] Sent row 6: 369314 [Thread 1] Sent row 7: 1614498 [Thread 1] Sent row 8: 238242 [Thread 1] Sent row 9: 2859682 [Thread 1] Barrier Message [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [1] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 4] Barrier Message [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 2] Barrier Message [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 3] Barrier Message [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 1] Barrier Message [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [0] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 4] End of Method [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 2] End of Method [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 3] End of Method [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 1] End of Method [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [1] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 4] Checkpoint Taken [Thread 4] Checkpoint data: NULL, length: 0 [Thread 4] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 10 rows received [Thread 4] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 10 rows sent [Thread 4] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 10 rows applied [Thread 4] Sent row 10: 6005410 [Thread 4] Sent row 11: 4629154 [Thread 4] Sent row 12: 3121826 [Thread 4] Sent row 13: 2990754 [Thread 4] Sent row 14: 5612194 [Thread 4] Sent row 15: 959138 [Thread 4] Sent row 16: 2073250 [Thread 4] Sent row 17: 1942178 [Thread 4] Sent row 18: 4563618 [Thread 4] Sent row 19: 434850 [Thread 4] Barrier Message [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 2] Checkpoint Taken [Thread 2] Checkpoint data: NULL, length: 0 [Thread 2] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 10 rows received [Thread 2] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 10 rows sent [Thread 2] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 10 rows applied [Thread 2] Sent row 10: 5874338 [Thread 2] Sent row 11: 4498082 [Thread 2] Sent row 12: 5743266 [Thread 2] Sent row 13: 4367010 [Thread 2] Sent row 14: 4235938 [Thread 2] Sent row 15: 5481122 [Thread 2] Sent row 16: 5350050 [Thread 2] Sent row 17: 1090210 [Thread 2] Sent row 18: 2204322 [Thread 2] Sent row 19: 696994 [Thread 2] Barrier Message [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 3] Checkpoint Taken [Thread 3] Checkpoint data: NULL, length: 0 [Thread 3] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 10 rows received [Thread 3] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 10 rows sent [Thread 3] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 10 rows applied [Thread 3] Sent row 10: 2466466 [Thread 3] Sent row 11: 5087906 [Thread 3] Sent row 12: 2335394 [Thread 3] Sent row 13: 3580578 [Thread 3] Sent row 14: 6202018 [Thread 3] Sent row 15: 828066 [Thread 3] Sent row 16: 3449506 [Thread 3] Sent row 17: 6070946 [Thread 3] Sent row 18: 3318434 [Thread 3] Sent row 19: 1811106 [Thread 3] Barrier Message [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 1] Checkpoint Taken [Thread 1] Checkpoint data: NULL, length: 0 [Thread 1] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 10 rows received [Thread 1] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 10 rows sent [Thread 1] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 10 rows applied [Thread 1] Sent row 10: 107170 [Thread 1] Sent row 11: 2728610 [Thread 1] Sent row 12: 1352354 [Thread 1] Sent row 13: 3973794 [Thread 1] Sent row 14: 1221282 [Thread 1] Sent row 15: 5218978 [Thread 1] Sent row 16: 3842722 [Thread 1] Sent row 17: 6464162 [Thread 1] Sent row 18: 3711650 [Thread 1] Sent row 19: 6333090 [Thread 1] Barrier Message [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [0] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 4] Barrier Message [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 2] Barrier Message [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 3] Barrier Message [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 1] Barrier Message [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [1] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 4] End of Method [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 2] End of Method [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 3] End of Method [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 1] End of Method [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [0] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 4] Checkpoint Taken [Thread 4] Checkpoint data: NULL, length: 0 [Thread 4] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 20 rows received [Thread 4] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 20 rows sent [Thread 4] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 20 rows applied [Thread 4] Sent row 20: 3056290 [Thread 4] Sent row 21: 5677730 [Thread 4] Sent row 22: 1548962 [Thread 4] Sent row 23: 5546658 [Thread 4] Sent row 24: 1417890 [Thread 4] Sent 25 Rows [Thread 4] Barrier Message [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 2] Checkpoint Taken [Thread 2] Checkpoint data: NULL, length: 0 [Thread 2] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 20 rows received [Thread 2] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 20 rows sent [Thread 2] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 20 rows applied [Thread 2] Sent row 20: 4694690 [Thread 2] Sent row 21: 3187362 [Thread 2] Sent row 22: 5808802 [Thread 2] Sent row 23: 4301474 [Thread 2] Sent row 24: 4170402 [Thread 2] Sent 25 Rows [Thread 2] Barrier Message [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 3] Checkpoint Taken [Thread 3] Checkpoint data: NULL, length: 0 [Thread 3] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 20 rows received [Thread 3] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 20 rows sent [Thread 3] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 20 rows applied [Thread 3] Sent row 20: 4432546 [Thread 3] Sent row 21: 303778 [Thread 3] Sent row 22: 2925218 [Thread 3] Sent row 23: 2794146 [Thread 3] Sent row 24: 5415586 [Thread 3] Sent 25 Rows [Thread 3] Barrier Message [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 1] Checkpoint Taken [Thread 1] Checkpoint data: NULL, length: 0 [Thread 1] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 20 rows received [Thread 1] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 20 rows sent [Thread 1] TD_Evt_RowCounts reports 20 rows applied [Thread 1] Sent row 20: 4956834 [Thread 1] Sent row 21: 4825762 [Thread 1] Sent row 22: 5939874 [Thread 1] Sent row 23: 565922 [Thread 1] Sent row 24: 1680034 [Thread 1] Sent 25 Rows [Thread 1] Barrier Message [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [1] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 2] Barrier Message [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 4] Barrier Message [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 3] Barrier Message [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 1] Barrier Message [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [0] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 2] End of Method [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 4] End of Method [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 3] End of Method [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 1] End of Method [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [1] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 2] Acquisition complete [Thread 2] Barrier Message [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 4] Acquisition complete [Thread 4] Barrier Message [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 3] Acquisition complete [Thread 3] Barrier Message [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 1] Acquisition complete [Thread 1] Barrier Message [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [0] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 2] Barrier Message [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 4] Barrier Message [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 3] Barrier Message [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 1] Barrier Message [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [1] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 2] End of Method [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 4] End of Method [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 3] End of Method [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 1] End of Method [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [0] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 2] Application complete [Thread 2] Calling Terminate [Thread 2] Returned from Terminate [Thread 2] Barrier Message [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 4] Application complete [Thread 4] Calling Terminate [Thread 4] Returned from Terminate [Thread 4] Barrier Message [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 3] Application complete [Thread 3] Calling Terminate [Thread 3] Returned from Terminate [Thread 3] Barrier Message [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [1] [Thread 1] Application complete [Thread 1] Calling Terminate [Thread 1] Returned from Terminate [Thread 1] Barrier Message [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [1] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 2] Calling Terminate [Thread 2] Returned from Terminate [Thread 2] End of Method [Thread 2] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 4] Calling Terminate [Thread 4] Returned from Terminate [Thread 4] End of Method [Thread 4] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 3] Calling Terminate [Thread 3] Returned from Terminate [Thread 3] End of Method [Thread 3] Waiting for manager [0] [Thread 1] Calling Terminate [Thread 1] Returned from Terminate [Thread 1] End of Method [Thread 1] Waiting for manager [0] [Manager] Barrier Reached [Thread 2] Driver Terminated [Thread 2] Total Number of Rows Sent: 25 [Thread 2] Number of Checkpoints Taken: 2 [Manager] Instance 2 Terminated [Thread 2] Unread Msg:Thread Exiting [Thread 2] Unread Msg:Load Successful [Thread 2] Unread Msg:Load Thread Exited [Manager] 3 threads remaining [Thread 4] Driver Terminated [Thread 4] Total Number of Rows Sent: 25 [Thread 4] Number of Checkpoints Taken: 2 [Manager] Instance 4 Terminated [Thread 4] Unread Msg:Thread Exiting [Thread 4] Unread Msg:Load Successful [Thread 4] Unread Msg:Load Thread Exited [Manager] 2 threads remaining [Thread 3] Driver Terminated [Thread 3] Total Number of Rows Sent: 25 [Thread 3] Number of Checkpoints Taken: 2 [Manager] Instance 3 Terminated [Thread 3] Unread Msg:Thread Exiting [Thread 3] Unread Msg:Load Successful [Thread 3] Unread Msg:Load Thread Exited [Manager] 1 threads remaining [Thread 1] Driver Terminated [Thread 1] Total Number of Rows Sent: 25 [Thread 1] Number of Checkpoints Taken: 2 [Manager] Instance 1 Terminated [Thread 1] Unread Msg:Thread Exiting [Thread 1] Unread Msg:Load Successful [Thread 1] Unread Msg:Load Thread Exited [Manager] 0 threads remaining *** Application Complete ***