DML Groups - Parallel Transporter

Teradata® Parallel Transporter Application Programming Interface Programmer Guide - 17.20

Parallel Transporter
Release Number
June 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

DMLGroup objects are used to store sets of DML statements and DML options which can later be applied when loading or updating data. A DMLGroup is defined as an external C++ class.

The following is an example of creating a DMLGroup object:

DMLGroup * dmlGr = new DMLGrup();

Each DML statement is stored as a character string within the DMLGroup object. DML statements can be added one at a time to the DMLGroup object using the AddStatement function. More than one DML statements can be added to the same DMLGroup object but each DML statement must be added in a separate call to the AddStatement function. The following is an example of adding a statement to a DMLGroup object:

dmlGr->AddStatement(“INSERT INTO test1( :Associate_Id, :Salary );”);

Along with DML statements, a series of DML options can be set for a DMLGroup object using the TD_DMLOption parameters. The following is an example of setting DML options for a DMLGroup object:


A DMLgroup is added to the Connection class by using the AddDMLGroup function. The AddDMLGroup function takes two parameters:

  • A pointer to the DML group being added
  • a pointer to a TD_Index object through which the function will return the index reference for the DML group. This index is used later with the UseDMLGroups function.

The following is an example of adding a DML group to the Connection class:

TD_Index index;
TD_StatusCode returnValue = conn->AddDMLGroup(dmlGr, &index);