All events must be queried after the driver has initiated and before it has terminated. Events queried before their data is available yet will return TD_Unavailable. The following table lists events that may be used with the Connection object’s GetEvent function to retrieve run time statistics from the Export driver.
Event | Return Value |
TD_Evt_BlockCount | One 4-byte integer for the total number of blocks returned from all of the SELECT requests. Query this event after the first call to GetRow has returned TD_Success. |
TD_Evt_BlockCount64 | One 8-byte integer for the total number of blocks returned from all of the SELECT requests. Query this event after the first call to GetRow has returned TD_Success. |
TD_Evt_CLIError | One 4-byte integer for the CLIv2 error number and a 255 byte character buffer for the CLIv2 error text. Query this event at any time. |
TD_Evt_ConnectStatus | Three 4-byte integers corresponding to the number of sessions requested, the number of sessions connected, and any CLIv2 error number that may have occurred during the connect process. Query this event at any time. |
TD_Evt_CPUTime | One 8-byte double for the CPU time of the instance in seconds. Query this event at any time. |
TD_Evt_DBSError | One 4-byte integer for the database error number and a 255-byte character buffer for the error text. Query this event at any time. |
TD_Evt_ExitCode | One 2-byte integer for the driver exit code. Query this event right before the driver terminates. |
TD_Evt_ExportCount | One 4-byte unsigned integer for the total number of rows exported so far. Query this event any time after the first call to GetRow has returned TD_Success. If this event is queried after GetRow has returned TD_END_Method then the integer represents the total number of rows exported for the job. |
TD_Evt_ExportCount64 | One 8-byte unsigned integer for the
total number of rows exported so far. Query this event anytime after
the first call to GetRow has returned TD_Success. If this event is queried after GetRow has returned TD_END_Method then the integer represents the total number of rows exported for the job. |
TD_Evt_ExportNoSpoolMode | One 4-byte signed integer.
TD_Evt_ExportPhaseStats | One 4-byte unsigned integer for the
export phase elapsed time and three 8-byte double for the export
phase CPU time, for megabytes per second, and for megabytes per CPU
second. Query this event any time after the first call to GetRow has returned TD_Success. The elapsed time is at the job level. The elapsed time may be slightly different between the instances. The main instance will have the most accurate elapsed time. The CPU time, megabytes per second, and megabytes per CPU second are at the instance level. |
TD_Evt_OperVersion | A pointer to a character string containing the driver version. Query this event only after the driver has been initiated. |
TD_Evt_QueryBandByteCount | The main instance returns a 4-byte unsigned value for the number of internal Query Band data bytes sent to the database. The worker instances return "event not available", because the worker instances do not log on a control SQL session. Only the main instance logs on a control SQL session. |
TD_Evt_RowsDiscarded | One 8-byte unsigned integer for the number of rows discarded by the operator. Query this event after GetRow has returned TD_END_Method. |
TD_Evt_SessionNodeID | A pointer to a character string containing the information about the SessionNodeID for all the job sessions. Data in the SessionNodeID for every session contains the following information:
This event can be queried only after the operator has been initiated and before the operator has been terminated. |
TD_Evt_SessionThrougput | A pointer to a character string containing the information about the SessionThroughput for all the job sessions. Data in the SessionThroughput for every Session contains the following information:
This event can be queried only after the operator has been initiated and before the operator has been terminated. |
TD_Evt_Version | A pointer to a character string containing the Teradata PT version followed by a pointer to a character string containing the operator version. Query this event at any time. The operator version is available only after the driver has been initiated. |