Dropping Tables During a Load - Parallel Transporter

Teradata® Parallel Transporter Application Programming Interface Programmer Guide - 17.20

Parallel Transporter
Release Number
June 2022
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Some tables are created during the execution of a Load job, and others must be created before the job begins. Target tables must exist and be empty when a Load driver job executes, unless the job is attempting to continue a paused or restarted job. A log table is created automatically when you run the Load job script. Error tables are created by the database. Error tables are dropped by the Load driver during the cleanup phase if no errors were detected during the acquisition phase or the application phase. The log table is dropped by the Load driver after the job completes successfully. If a Load job terminates abnormally, then the log and error tables are not dropped. If you want to restart the Load job from scratch, you need to manually drop these tables.

Processing terminates when the number of errors encountered reaches the error limit.

If, for example, you expect no errors in the input data, set the error limit value to one. In this case, the job terminates when any record causes an error. Note, however, that when the specified error limit is reached, the Load driver continues processing until each session completes its current data block. This continued processing can cause the total number of error rows captured in the first error table to exceed the ErrorLimit specification.