Attribute and Type | Type | Description |
TD_ACCOUNT_ID | varchar | Specifies the account associated with the specified user name. When omitted, this attribute defaults to the account identifier of the immediate owner database. |
TD_AUTORESTART | varchar | Teradata PT APT notifies the user application, upon database restarts, that the database crashed. Valid values are:
TD_APPENDERRORTABLE | varchar | Directs the Stream driver to use the existing error table that is specified in the TD_ERROR_TABLE attribute in this table. By default, if the specified error table already exists, the Stream driver terminates the job with an error message. Set the TD_DROPERRORTABLE attribute in this table to align the Stream driver default setting.
Valid values are:
TD_ARRAYSUPPORT | varchar | Specifies default array support option for all DMLGroups. Each DMLGroup can modify this setting through the AddArraSupport function defined in DML Group Class. Valid values are:
TD_BUFFERS | integer | Specifies whether to increase the number
of request buffers. The range of values has a lower limit of two and no upper limit. The default value is three. The maximum number of request buffers you can allocate is the number of buffers multiplied by the number of connected sessions. Because request buffers are a global resource, buffers are assigned to any session as needed and then returned to a free pool. At any point in time, the number of request buffers assigned to a session can vary from zero to the maximum number you allocate. |
TD_CHARSET | varchar | Specifies the name or code of the character set to be used for the job. On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, only EBCDIC encoding is supported and is automatically selected. For the list of supported character sets, see “Extended Character Sets” in Teradata® Parallel Transporter Reference, B035-2436. |
TD_CONNECTSTRING | varchar | Optional attribute that specifies the connection string. Starting in TTU 17.10, Teradata PT supports the Connection String feature. A connection string allows Teradata PT to pass various parameters and associated values to CLIv2 without the need to implement individual operator attributes for each parameter. This enhancement allows Teradata PT to support a variety of features, one of which is the Transport Layer Security (TLS) feature. The Teradata PT operator will not parse or validate the contents of the connection string. The connection string is passed as is to CLIv2. Any errors in the connection string will be provided by CLIv2. For a list of valid parameters and associated values, see Teradata® Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Workstation-Attached Systems, B035-2418. The TPT Connection String feature is available on all platforms, except for the TDP variant of TPT on z/OS.
TD_DATA_ENCRYPTION | varchar | Provides full security encryption of SQL requests, responses and data. Valid values are:
TD_DATE_FORM | varchar | Specifies the DATE data type for the Stream driver job. Valid settings are:
TD_DISCARDLARGEROW | varchar | Optional attribute that tells the operator whether or not to discard large rows (greater than 64K), because the operator is talking to a database that does not support large rows. Valid values are:
When you enable this option and the operator is talking to a database that does not support large rows, the operator will discard the large rows. The discarded rows will not be saved.
TD_DROPERRORTABLE | varchar | Directs the Stream driver to drop the existing error table at the end of the job. By default, the Stream driver drops the error table at the end of a job if the error table is empty. Use the TD_APPENDERRORTABLE attribute in this table to direct the Stream driver to continue using the existing error table.
Valid values are:
TD_DROPMACRO | varchar | Specifies whether to keep or drop the macro created during the current Stream job. Valid values are:
TD_ERROR_LIMIT | integer | Specifies the maximum number of records
stored in one of the error tables before the Stream driver job is
terminated. By default, the ErrorLimit value is unlimited. The ErrorLimit specification must be greater than zero. Specifying an invalid value terminates the Stream driver. The ErrorLimit specification applies to each instance of the Stream driver. |
TD_ERROR_TABLE | varchar | Specifies the name of the error table. ErrorTable must be a new table name. You cannot use the name of an existing table unless you are restarting a Stream driver job. If the name is not supplied, it will be created by the Stream driver. The Error Table contains information concerning:
It is acceptable, and even good practice, to prefix the error table with a database name as a qualifier. This means that because the database may have a lot of PERM space, which space will not have to be increased for all databases with tables involved in the load. If the database for the error table is not specified, the table is placed in the database associated with the user logon. See “Reading TPump Error Tables” in Teradata® Parallel Data Pump Reference, B035-3021 for information on the error table format and the procedure to correct errors. |
TD_LDILOADGROUP | varchar | Specifies the value of LDILoadGroup. This value is required if TD_LDILOADJOB is set to Yes ('Y'). For example, AddAttribute(TD_LDILOADGROUP,(char*)"GRP1") |
TD_LDILOADJOB | varchar | To enable/disable the Isolated Load feature for STREAM driver. Valid values are:
TD_LDIMACROTABLENAME | varchar | Specifies the LDI table names for the pre-defined macros. It is required when pre-defined macro(s) is used and TD_LDILOADJOB is set to Yes ('Y'). Use AddArrayAttribute to specify multiple LDI table names. |
TD_LOGON_MECH | varchar | Specifies which logon mechanism is
TD_LOGON_MECH_DATA | varchar | Passes along additional logon mechanism data. See your site security administrator for specific mechanism data. For more information, see Teradata Vantage™ - Analytics Database Security Administration, B035-1100. |
TD_LOGSQL | varchar | Directs the Stream driver to output the full Teradata SQL request in the trace output file with the driver’s trace is enabled. By default, when the driver’s trace is enabled, the Stream driver outputs the Teradata SQL request, up to 32 kilobytes, in the trace output file. Valid values:
When the driver’s trace is disabled, TD_LOGSQL has no effect.
TD_MACROCHARSET | varchar | Enables or disables the MacroCharSet feature. If the TD_MACROCHARSET attribute is enabled, you can specify the column MacroCharSet name for character columns. The value is discarded for other column types. Valid values:
For syntax to enable TD_MACROCHARSET and the AddColumn syntax when TD_MACROCHARSET is enabled, see Using the MacroCharSet Feature. |
TD_MACRODATABASE | varchar | Specifies the database that contains any macros used by the Stream driver. The default macro database is the restart log table database. |
TD_MAX_SESSIONS | integer | Specifies the maximum number of
sessions to log on. The default is one session per available AMP. The
maximum value cannot be more than the number of AMPS available. The MaxSessions value must be greater than zero. Specifying a value less than one causes the job to terminate. The MaxSessions value must be greater than or equal to the value of TD_MAX_INSTANCES. |
TD_MIN_SESSIONS | integer | Specifies the minimum number of
sessions required for the Stream driver job to continue. The default is
one session. The MinSessions value must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the maximum number of Stream driver sessions. Specifying a value less than one terminates the Stream driver. |
TD_MSG_ENCODING | TD_Encoding | Specifies the encoding for the messages passed between Teradata PT and a Teradata PT application. |
TD_NOTIFY_EXIT | varchar | Specifies the name of the user-defined notify exit routine with an entry point named _dynamn. If no name is supplied, the following default names are used:
For more information on the Notify feature, see “Stream Operator” in the Teradata® Parallel Transporter Reference, B035-2436. |
TD_NOTIFY_LEVEL | varchar | Indicates the level at which certain events are reported. The valid settings are:
TD_NOTIFY_METHOD | varchar | Indicates the method used for reporting events. The methods are:
TD_NOTIFY_STRING | varchar | Provides a user-defined string to precede all messages sent to the system log. This string is also sent to the user-defined notify exit routine. The maximum length of the string is:
TD_PACK | integer | Specifies the number of statements to pack into a multiple statement request. The maximum value is 2400. The default value is 20. When the job is loading 1 or more deferred LOB columns, the largest possible pack factor is 4096 because the database can support up to 4096 spool files per request.
TD_PACKMAXIMUM | varchar | Triggers the Stream driver to dynamically determine the maximum possible pack factor for the current Stream job. Valid values are:
TD_PAUSELDI | varchar | Specifies whether to pause the Isolated Load feature of STREAM driver. Valid values are:
TD_PERIODICITY | integer | Specifies that the DML statements sent by the Stream driver to the database be as evenly distributed as possible over each one minute interval. The periodicity value sets the number of sub-intervals per minute. The TPT API user needs to pass the user's command for the Periodicity option to TPT API. TPT API needs to pass the user's command to the Stream driver. For example, if the rate is 1600 and the periodicity is 10, then the maximum number of statements submitted is 160 (1600/10) every 6 (60/10) seconds. Valid values are between 1 and 600. The default value is 4, that is, four 15-second intervals per minute. If the statement rate is unlimited, the periodicity value is ignored. |
TD_QUERY_BAND_SESS_INFO | varchar | Provides a user-defined query band expression that is set for every SQL session connected by the Teradata PT driver. The following is an example of a valid query band expression:a=1;b=2;c=3;d=4; If the TD_QUERY_BAND_SESS_INFO is set, the following request will be sent by every SQL session connected by the Teradata PT Stream driver: SET QUERY_BAND =’<User-Defined Query Band Expression>’ FOR SESSION;
Setting the TD_QUERY_BAND_SESS_INFO attribute in jobs running against non-supported versions of Teradata Database causes a non-fatal error. No error code is returned to the user during initiation and the job is allowed to proceed. The log table will not be dropped at the end of the job and the TD_Evt_ExitCode event returns a warning value of four instead of the normal success value of zero if queried. In this case, error information can be found in the trace file. |
TD_RATE | integer character | Specifies the maximum number of DML statements per minute that the Stream driver can submit to the database per minute. The user needs to pass the command for the Rate option to TPT API. TPT API needs to pass the user command to the Stream driver. When a job step contains multiple occurrences of the Stream driver with differing Rate values, Teradata PT automatically uses the lowest Rate value for all instances. Values for TD_RATE must be one of the following:
TD_ROLENAME | varchar | Sets the current role for a session. The valid values are:
The value for the attribute needs to be provided by the user, and the operator prepends the hard-coded string SET ROLE . For more information, see Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Syntax and Examples, B035-1144.
TD_REPLICATION_OVERRIDE | varchar | Overrides the normal replication services controls. The default is not to send any SET SESSION OVERRIDE REPLICATION statement to the database. The following valid values are not case-sensitive:
For more information on replication services components, see Teradata Replication Services Using Oracle GoldenGate (B035-1152) and Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Detailed Topics, B035-1184. |
TD_ROBUST | varchar | Specifies whether or not to use robust restart logic for recovery and restart operations. In robust mode, one database row is written in the log restart table for every request issued. These rows are the request log. Because the database completely finishes or rolls back, a the request log always accurately reflects the completion status of an import. Valid values are:
If you are not sure about using robust restart logic, it is always safe to set the robust attribute to Yes. |
TD_TDP_ID | varchar | Specifies the name of the database system.
TD_TENACITY_HOURS | integer | Specifies the number of hours that the Stream driver continues trying to log on when the maximum number of load and export operations are already running on the database.
TD_TENACITY_SLEEP | integer | Specifies the number of minutes that the Stream driver pauses before retrying to log on when the maximum number of load and export operations are already running on the database.
TD_TIME_ZONE_SESS_INFO | varchar | Optional attribute that allows you to change the default time zone displacement for the duration of the operator's job session. When you provide a value for this attribute, the operator will build the "SET TIME ZONE <timeZoneValue>;" SQL request. The operator will send the request to the database on the main control and data SQL sessions after the sessions are connected Following are some of the possible valid values:
For more information on the SET TIME ZONE SQL attribute, see Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Syntax and Examples, B035-1144. |
TD_TMSMSUPPORT | varchar | Enables and disables sending events to TMSM. Valid values are:
TD_TRACE_LEVEL The TraceLevel attribute is an internal
diagnostic aid. Use only if instructed to by Teradata support. TD_OFF
should always be specified.
integer | Specifies the types of diagnostic messages written by each instance of the driver to an external log file. The diagnostic trace function provides more detailed information in the log file (including the version number) to aid in problem tracking and diagnosis. Use the AddArray attribute method to specify the two types of tracing levels: driver tracing and infrastructure tracing. TD_OFF is the default setting for both driver tracing and infrastructure tracing. No external log file is produced unless this default is changed. Specifying TD_OFF for both driver tracing and infrastructure tracing is the same as disabling tracing. If the TraceLevel is set to any value other than TD_OFF, an external log file is created for each instance of the driver. The trace levels for driver tracing are:
The trace levels for infrastructure tracing should only be used when you are directed to by Teradata support. TD_OFF, which disables infrastructure tracing, should always be specified. |
TD_TRACE_OUTPUT | varchar | Specifies the name of the external file to use for tracing messages. The default setting creates a new file name with the name of the driver followed by a time stamp. If a file with the specified name already exists, then the file will be overwritten.
TD_TRANSFORM_GROUP | varchar | Sets the active transform for Complex Data Types (CDTs) with multiple transforms in the current session. The following CDTs have multiple transforms:
When a value is provided for this attribute, the operator builds the "SET TRANSFORM GROUP FOR TYPE <tranformgrouValue>;" SQL request. The operator sends the request to the database on the SQL session, after the session is complete.
TD_TREATDBSRESTARTASFATAL | varchar | Tells the operator whether or not to terminate the job when a database restart occurs. Valid values are:
TD_UNICODEPASSTHROUGH | varchar | Enables and disables the Unicode Pass Through feature for the Stream Driver. Valid values are:
TD_WORKINGDATABASE | varchar | Specifies the name of the database used in a Teradata SQL DATABASE statement that the Stream driver sends to the database immediately after connecting the two SQL sessions. Use this attribute to specify a default database other than the logon database. |