Put Row - Parallel Transporter

Teradata® Parallel Transporter Operator Programmer Guide

Parallel Transporter
Release Number
June 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities


Put Row is the service function that stores a data row.


#include <pxoper.h>
PXSTC_Code PX_PutRow(PX_TableSchemaHandle  tableSchemaHandle,
   PX_Count  columnCount,
   PX_Indicator *  nullIndicator,
   PX_ByteOffset *  offsets,
   PX_Length *  lengths,
   PX_Addr  rowAddr,
   PX_Length  rowLength);

where the following is true:

Parameter Function Specification
columnCount input Number of columns associated with the data row.
lengths output Pointer to the array of integers representing the length of the corresponding column value.
nullIndicator output Pointer to the array of indicator bytes specifying whether or not the corresponding column value is NULL.
offsets output Pointer to the array of integers representing the corresponding column positions in terms of the number of bytes into the data row.
rowAddr input Pointer to the address of the data row to be stored.
rowLength input Pointer to the length of the data row.
tableSchemaHandle input Table schema handle by which the data row is to be stored.

Return Codes

The following Put Row function status codes are defined by the Teradata PT operator interface.

Status Code Signifies
PXSTC_InvalidArgument One or more bad input arguments.
PXSTC_BadHandle An undefined table schema handle.
PXSTC_LengthError Length of data to be stored does not match length of internal buffer.
PXSTC_Success Successful storage of the data row.

Usage Notes

Consider the following when defining the Put Row function.

Topic Usage Notes
Indicator Mode Data If the data row is in indicator mode, then the columnCount parameter must be zero and the following parameters must all be NULL:
  • nullIndicators
  • offsets
  • lengths
Status If the function status is PXSTC_Success, then the data row is stored in the internal buffer described by the table schema associated with the dataSchemaHandle parameter.
See Also