Syntax Changes | Teradata Parallel Transporter - Syntax Changes - Parallel Transporter

Teradata® Parallel Transporter Reference

Parallel Transporter
Release Number
February 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The following syntax changes affect Teradata PT. Use the following table to understand what syntax was added, removed, and modified since Teradata WB 4.1. Deprecated syntax is still supported in the code to ensure backwards compatibility; however, it will not be documented beyond a certain release.

Syntax Type of Statement Status as of This Release
( ) OPERATOR No longer required for OPERATOR statements, but if used, still functions as in Teradata WB 4.1.

For more information, see the documentation for that release.

ALLOW LATENCY CHECK OPERATOR Obsolete syntax; do not use in OPERATOR statements.
ALLOW PARALLEL MAX INSTANCES OPERATOR Obsolete syntax; do not use in OPERATOR statements.
AmpCheck TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
AppendErrorTable TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
APPLY OPERATOR New, required keyword that replaces previous LOAD syntax in OPERATOR statements.

For more information, see Object Definitions and the APPLY Statement.

ArraySupport TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
ATTRIBUTE | ATTR (attributeDefinition List) JOB No longer required for OPERATOR statements, but if used, still functions as in Teradata WB 4.1.

For more information, see the documentation for that release.

BlockSize TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
Buffer TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
CONSUMER   Do not use. See “Type Definitions” in the Teradata® Parallel Transporter User Guide, B035-2445 .
Column Definition List OPERATOR



Obsolete syntax; do not use in OPERATOR, TABLE, or TABLE SET statements.
DEFINE DBMS OPERATOR Obsolete syntax; do not use.
DEFINE FILE 'pathName' JOB Obsolete syntax; do not use in JOB statements.
DEFINE LIBRARY PATH 'pathName' JOB Obsolete syntax; do not use in JOB statements.
DEFINE LOGGER LOGGER Obsolete syntax; do not use. Instead, use tlogview.
DEFINE LOG VIEW LOG VIEW Obsolete syntax; do not use. Instead, use tlogview.
DEFINE SCHEMA schema name

'DBS table name'

SCHEMA Obsolete syntax; do not use.
DEFINE SCHEMA schema nameDELIMITED ' DBS table name' SCHEMA Obsolete syntax; do not use.
DEFINE SYSTEM PATH 'path name' JOB Obsolete syntax; do not use in JOB statements.
DeleteTask TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
DISALLOW LATENCY CHECK OPERATOR Obsolete syntax; do not use in OPERATOR statements.
DropErrorTable TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
DropLogTable TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
DropWorkTable TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
ErrorTable TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
ErrorTable1 TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
ErrorTable2 TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
ExportPrivateLogName TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
EXTERNAL NAME 'operatorFileName' OPERATOR No longer required when using predefined operators (for example, TYPE LOAD, TYPE EXPORT, TYPE STREAM).


FILE 'fileName' TABLE


Obsolete syntax; do not use in TABLE or TABLE SET statements.
FILTER   Do not use. See “Type Definitions” in the Teradata® Parallel Transporter User Guide, B035-2445.
GENERIC DBMS Obsolete syntax; do not use in DBMS statements.
IgnoreMaxDecimalDigits TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
INPUT/OUTPUT SCHEMA OPERATOR The “INPUT” and “OUTPUT” portion of this syntax is ignored by the compiler unless a filter operator contains both INPUT SCHEMA and OUTPUT SCHEMA. In this case, use “INPUT” and “OUTPUT” before “SCHEMA” to differentiate between the two schemas.


Obsolete syntax; do not use in DBMS or TABLE SET statements.

If present in an existing script, this syntax is treated as the APPLY OPERATOR ‘operatorName’ syntax.

Instead, use APPLY OPERATOR ‘operatorName’. For more information, see Object Definitions and the APPLY Statement.

INTERFACE PXOPER VERSION ' versionIdentifier' OPERATOR Obsolete syntax; do not use in OPERATOR statements.
LANGUAGE C | C++ OPERATOR Obsolete syntax; do not use in OPERATOR statements.
LIBRARY PATH 'pathName' OPERATOR Obsolete syntax; do not use in OPERATOR statements.
LOAD JOB Obsolete syntax; do not use in JOB statements. Use of this keyword now results in a compiler error.

Instead, use the APPLY statement. For more information, see Object Definitions and the APPLY Statement.

LogTable TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
LONGVARCHAR   Keyword specifying a fixed-length character string data type of up to 64,000 bytes.

Using this keyword in Teradata PT creates a conflict between the line size limits of the designated input character length and what is output because Teradata PT recognizes double-byte characters while Vantage does not.

Because of this conflict, avoid using this keyword, and use VARCHAR(64000) or VARCHAR(32000) instead.

LONGVARCHARGRAPHIC   Keyword specifying a fixed-length character string data type of up to 32,000 bytes.

Using this keyword in Teradata PT creates a conflict between the line size limits of the designated input character length and what is output because Teradata PT recognizes double-byte characters while Vantage does not.

Because of this conflict, avoid using this keyword, and use VARCHAR(64000) or VARCHAR(32000) instead.

MacroDatabase TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
MaxDecimalDigits TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
MSGCATALOG 'catalogName' OPERATOR Obsolete syntax; do not use in OPERATOR statements when specifying a new predefined operator syntax (for example, TYPE LOAD, TYPE EXPORT, TYPE STREAM).

Use only when specifying a generic operator type (such as TYPE CONSUMER) if the name of the default message catalog changed.

When used, still functions as in Teradata WB 4.1. For more information, see the documentation for that release.

MULITPHASE OPERATOR Obsolete syntax; do not use in OPERATOR statements.
N'…' All character string literals Obsolete syntax; do not use the initial “N” to specify an extended character inside a character string literal.
N"…" All character identifiers Obsolete syntax; do not use the initial “N” to specify an extended character inside a character string literal.
PATH ‘pathName DBMS


No longer required for DBMS or TABLE SET statements, but if used, still functions as in Teradata WB 4.1.

For more information, see the documentation for that release.

OpenMode TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
Pack TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
PackMaximum TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
PauseAcq TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
Periodicity TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
PRODUCER   Do not use. See “Type Definitions” in the Teradata® Parallel Transporter User Guide, B035-2445.
QueueErrorTable TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
Rate TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
ReplicationOverride TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
Robust TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
RESTART/NOT RESTARTABLE OPERATOR No longer required for OPERATOR statements, but if used, still functions as in Teradata WB 4.1.

For more information, see the documentation for that release.

RowErrFileName Attribute RecordErrorFilename is the new attribute name. For this release, both attribute names are mentioned; however, in future releases, only RecordErrorFilename will be mentioned in the documentation.
SelectStmt TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
SET CHECKPOINT INTERVAL JOB Use the -z option with the tbuild command. See the Teradata® Parallel Transporter User Guide, B035-2445.
SET LATENCY INTERVAL JOB Use the -l option with the tbuild command. See the Teradata® Parallel Transporter User Guide, B035-2445.
STANDALONE   Do not use. See “Type Definitions” in the Teradata® Parallel Transporter User Guide, B035-2445.
TenacityHours TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
TenacitySleep TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.
WorkTable TDLOAD LONG_OPTION Obsolete. tdload now follows a standard syntax based on current job variable templates.