Restrictions and Limitations - Parallel Transporter

Teradata® Parallel Transporter Reference

Parallel Transporter
Release Number
February 2022
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
  • The Teradata PT Error Table Extractor supports VARBYTE or BLOB for the DATAPARCEL column in the FastLoad acquisition phase error table.

    The Teradata PT Error Table Extractor supports VARBYTE or BLOB for the HOSTDATA column in the MultiLoad acquisition phase error table.

    The Teradata PT Error Table Extractor supports VARBYTE or BLOB for the HOSTDATA column in the Stream operator error table.

    The DATAPARCEL or HOSTDATA column is VARBYTE when the TPT Load or Update operator job is running against a database that does not have the Vantage 1MB Permanent Row feature enabled.

    The HOSTDATA column is VARBYTE when the schema for the TPT Stream operator job is less than 64K.

    The DATAPARCEL or HOSTDATA column is BLOB when the TPT Load or Update operator job is running against a database that has the Vantage 1MB Permanent Row feature enabled.

    The HOSTDATA column is BLOB when the schema for the TPT Stream operator job is greater than 64K.

    If the DATAPARCEL or HOSTDATA column is not VARBYTE or BLOB, the Teradata PT Error Table Extractor will terminate the job with an error message.

  • The Teradata PT Error Table Extractor supports the acquisition phase error table for only these Teradata PT operators:
    • Load operator:
    • Update operator:
    • Stream operator
    • The schema for the Teradata PT Load, Stream and Update operator jobs must have all VARCHAR columns when the record format is DELIMITED. For other record formats, the Load, Stream and Update jobs can have different column data types.
    • The Teradata PT Error Table Extractor does not support the extraction of the application phase error tables.
    • On z/OS, the Teradata PT Error Table Extractor does not support the extraction of the acquisition phase error tables which were created on non-z/OS platforms, because the character encoding on z/OS is different from non-z/OS platforms.

      On z/OS, the Teradata PT Error Table Extractor can only support the extraction of the acquisition phase error tables that were created from jobs run from the z/OS platforms.

    • On non-z/OS platforms, the Teradata PT Error Table Extractor does not support the extraction of the acquisition phase error tables which were created on z/OS, because the character encoding on non-z/OS is different from z/OS platforms.

      On non-z/OS platforms, the Teradata PT Error Table Extractor can only support the extraction of the acquisition phase error tables that were created from jobs run from the non-z/OS platform.

    • On z/OS, the Teradata PT Error Table Extractor does not prompt the user for the password if the -u Password option is not specified. You must specify the -u Password option on z/OS.
    • The Teradata PT Error Table Extractor is not certified to extract the error information from the acquisition phase error table for these Teradata utilities.

      – FastLoad

      – MultiLoad

      – TPump

      However, the Teradata PT Error Table Extractor can extract the error information from the acquisition phase error table for the Teradata FastLoad and MultiLoad utilities if the data for the FastLoad or MultiLoad job was sent in the indicator mode. If the data was sent in the non-indicator mode, then the Teradata PT Error Table Extractor cannot extract the error information.

      The Teradata PT Error Table Extractor cannot extract the error information from a TPump error table, because the Teradata PT Error Table Extractor does not know the layout of the TPump error table.