Starting in Teradata PT 17.00:
- Teradata PT (script-based and Easy Loader) is only 64-bit for the following operating systems:
- Linux
- macOS
- Solaris
- Windows
- Teradata PT is only 32-bit for the z/OS operating system.
The following topics describe Teradata PT command line utility commands.
This command... | Does the following: |
tbuild | Defines and executes a Teradata PT job. |
tdload | Loads data from a delimited file into a database table without requiring a job script. |
tdlog | Extracts the logs produced m running a Teradata PT job. |
tlogview | Displays the contents of the log files produced from running a Teradata PT job. |
twbcmd | Allows the modification of an active Teradata PT job and the retrieval of job status. |
twbertbl | Extracts the error information from the acquisition phase error table. |
twbkill | Terminates all Teradata PT tasks within an application. |
twbrmcp | Removes all checkpoint files for a specified user ID or job name. |
twbstat | Displays Teradata PT application status. On z/OS, Teradata PT does not support the invocation of the above Teradata PT command line utility commands in the USS (UNIX System Services) environment.