If logon parameters are not assigned to the conventionally-named source or target logon variables, Teradata PT may still be able to determine which Teradata Database to log onto to get schema column descriptions, using logon parameters assigned to operator logon attributes in your job script:
- If the producer template reference itself has an ATTRIBUTES list that contains logon attribute assignments, then those attribute values will be used to logon to the specified Teradata Database.
- If all other producer references in the same job step are collectively assigned exactly one unique set of logon attribute values, then these logon attribute values will be used to logon to the specified Teradata Database. If more than one set of producer logon attributes exist in the job step, Teradata PT will terminate the job.
- If all other producer references in the entire job collectively are assigned exactly one unique set of logon attribute values, then these logon attribute values will be used to logon to the specified Teradata Database. If more than one set of unique logon attributes exist within the job, Teradata PT will terminate the job.
- If all consumer references in the same job step collectively are assigned exactly one unique set of logon attribute values, then these logon attribute values will be used to logon to the specified Teradata Database. If more than one unique set of consumer logon attributes exist in the job step, Teradata PT will terminate the job.
- If all consumer references in the entire job collectively are assigned exactly one unique set of logon attribute values, then these logon attribute values will be used to logon to the specified Teradata Database. If more than one unique set of consumer logon attributes exist in the job, Teradata PT will terminate the job.