- From the Source Type list in the Job Source dialog box, select File.
Do one of the following:
- In Directory Name and File Name, type the path and name of the file to be used as the data source for the job.
- Click Select to browse for the source file.
In Format, select either Binary, Delimited, Formatted, Text, or Unformatted as the format associated with the file. Formats include:
Format Description Format = 'Binary' Each record contains a two-byte integer data length (n) followed by n bytes of data. Format = 'Text' - Each record is entirely character data, an arbitrary number of bytes followed by one of the following end-of-record markers:
- A single-byte line feed (X'0A') on UNIX platforms
- A double-byte carriage-return/line-feed pair (X'0D0A') on Windows platforms
Format = 'Delimited' - Each record is in variable-length text record format, but they contain fields (columns) separated by a delimiter character, as defined with the TextDelimiter attribute, which has the following limitations:
- It can only be a sequence of characters.
- It cannot be any character that appears in the data.
- It cannot be a control character other than a tab.
Format = 'Formatted' Each record is in a format traditionally known as FastLoad or Teradata format, which is a two-byte integer (n) followed by n bytes of data, followed by an end-of-record marker (X'0A' or X'0D0A). Format = 'Unformatted' The data does not conform to any predefined format. Instead, the data is entirely described by the columns in the schema definition of the DataConnector operator. If specifying Delimited format, type the delimiter used in the source file in Delimiter. The wizard accepts delimiters up to 100 bytes in length. If no delimiter is provided, the TextDelimiter attribute defaults to the pipe character ( | ).
- When using a delimited flat file for input, all of the data types in the DEFINE SCHEMA must be VARCHARs. Defining non-VARCHAR data types results in an error when a job script is submitted to run.
- Although TPT supports binary data formats with four-byte record lengths (Formatted4 and Binary4), these data types are not available through the Wizard. For information on creating a script that is capable of reading binary data files with rows that exceed 64KB, see "DataConnector Operator" in the Teradata® Parallel Transporter Reference, B035-2436.
- Each record is entirely character data, an arbitrary number of bytes followed by one of the following end-of-record markers:
(Optional) Select Indicator Mode to include indicator bytes at the beginning of each record. (Unavailable for delimited data.)
If the file name contains a wildcard character (*), two additional input boxes are available. Type the number of minutes for a job to wait for additional data in Vigil Elapsed Time. Type the number of seconds to wait before Teradata PT checks for new data in Vigil Wait Time.
Click Next.
In the Define Columns dialog box, specify the following, as needed:
- Name – Type the names of the columns in the source file.
Type – Type the data type of each column. (Choices change depending on the type of format selected in the previous dialog box.)When working with data from a file of delimited data, all fields must be defined as type VARCHAR.
- Size – Type the number of characters associated with each CHAR, VARCHAR, GRAPHIC, and VARGRAPHIC data types; and type the number of bytes associated with each BYTE and VARBYTE types. (All others are unavailable.)
- (Optional) In Number of Instances, type the number of producer operator instances to process at the same time.
- The Precision and Scale columns are only available for Decimal data types. Under Precision, type the number of digits to the left of the decimal point; under Scale, type the number of digits to the right of the decimal position. Otherwise, go to the next step.
After defining all the columns, click Next to open the Job Destination dialog box.
- Continue with Step 3 - Select a Destination.