Setting the QueueErrorTable attribute to Yes causes the Stream Operator to create the error table as a queue table. If the error table contains one or more rows, use a single SELECT AND CONSUME request on the error table to retrieve and delete a row from the error table.
The benefit of using a SELECT AND CONSUME request is that it returns a row from the error table for you to fix, then deletes the row in a single operation, eliminating the need to send a separate request for deletions. For example, in an error table that contains five rows, you can issue the following request five times to retrieve and delete all five rows in the error table:
"SELECT AND CONSUME TOP 1 * FROM <error table name>;"
To submit a SELECT AND CONSUME request, either use BTEQ to submit request directly to the Teradata Database, or use a software application that submits SQL requests to the Teradata Database. For more information, see the Teradata SQL SELECT statement in SQL Data Manipulation Language (B035-1146).