Histogram analysis results can be viewed in a grid, as thumbnails, and in graphs.
Grid View
Name | Type | Definition |
xdb | VARCHAR (128) | Database that the variable for the values operation resides in, as specified by the database parameter. |
xtbl | VARCHAR (128) | Table that the variable for the statistics operation resides in, as specified by the table parameter. |
xcol | VARCHAR (128) | Variable that the statistics operation will be run against, as specified by the "column" parameter. |
xbin | INTEGER | An integer representing the bin number. |
xbeg | FLOAT | Value that represents the beginning boundary for the bin of the column specified. |
xend | FLOAT | Value that represents the ending boundary for the bin of the column specified. |
xcnt | FLOAT | Number of records in the bin. |
xpct | FLOAT | Percentage of total records that this bin represents. |
ovly_COL | Overlay Column Type | Value of the column to overlay within the bin. This only exists if Overlay Columns is specified. COL indicates the name or alias of the requested overlay column. This column consist of unique categorical values that subdivide the bin. |
xocnt | FLOAT | Number of records within the bin in which this overlay column is present. This only exists if Overlay Columns is specified. |
xobcpt | FLOAT | Percentage of total records within the bin in which this overlay column value is present. This only exists if Overlay Columns is specified. |
xopct | FLOAT | Percentage of total records in which this overlay column value is present.This only exists if Overlay Columns is specified. |
xmin_COL | FLOAT | Minimum value of the Stats column within the bin. This only exists if Stats Column is specified. COL is the name or alias of the requested Stats column. Multiple columns, if specified, are created or displayed as a repeating group consisting of xmin_COL, xmax_COL, xmean_COL, and xstd_COL for each COL name or alias. |
xmax_COL | FLOAT | Maximum value of the Stats column within the bin. This only exists if Stats Column is specified. COL is the name or alias of the requested Stats column. |
xmean_COL | FLOAT | Mean (average) value of the Stats column within the bin. This only exists if Stats Column is specified. COL is the name or alias of the requested Overlay column. |
xstd_COL | FLOAT | Standard deviation of the Stats column within the bin. This only exists if Stats Column is specified. COL is the name or alias of the requested Overlay column. |
Thumbnail View
The Histogram Thumbnail view displays results as thumbnails grouped by database and table of all the possible graph generations per column.
Graph View
The Histogram graph will display the Bin Range and Count for each selected Bin.
If Overlay columns were selected, you can add overlay information to the graph and choose the Overlay column. The Overlay option adds frequencies within each bin that are calculated for each value of that overlay column.
If Statistic columns were selected, you can add statistic information to the graph and choose the Statistic column. The Statistic option adds the box and whisker plot graph of the Statistics (Maximum, Mean + Standard Deviation, Mean, Mean – Standard Deviation and Minimum values) results for the selected column values.