Query Service Configuration APIs | Teradata Query Service - Database APIs - Teradata Query Service

Teradata® Query Service Installation, Configuration, and Usage Guide for Customers

Teradata Query Service
Release Number
April 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
Except for the GET /systems API call, all requests require you to submit valid database credentials using HTTP Basic Authentication.
The following table defines the available resources and supported HTTP verbs:
URL Verb Description
/systems GET Get a list of the configured target systems.
/systems/[systemName] GET Get the target system with a specific name.
/systems/[systemName] PUT Create or update the target system. Requires Administrator credentials.
/systems/[systemName] DELETE Delete the target system with a specific name. Requires Administrator credentials.
/testsystem POST Test connectivity to a Teradata system.
/systems/[systemName]/queries POST Submit a SQL request to the target system with a specific name.
/systems/[systemName]/queries GET Get the list of active or queued queries for a specific system.
/systems/[systemName]/queries/[queryId] GET Get a specific query by ID.
/systems/[systemName]/queries/[queryId] DELETE Delete a query by ID.
/systems/[systemName]/queries/[queryId]/results GET Get specific query results by ID.
/systems/[systemName]/sessions POST Create an explicit session on a specific target system.
/systems/[systemName]/sessions GET Get the list of sessions open to a specific target system.
/systems/[systemName]/sessions/[sessionId] GET Get the session by ID.
/systems/[systemName]/sessions/[sessionId] DELETE Close the session with a specific ID.
/systems/[systemName]/databases GET Get a list of the databases on a specific target system.
/systems/[systemName]/databases/[databaseName] GET Get a database on a specific target system.
/systems/[systemName]/databases/[databaseName]/functions GET Get all functions of a database on a specific target system.
/systems/[systemName]/databases/[databaseName]/macros GET Get all macros of a database on a specific target system.
/systems/[systemName]/databases/[databaseName]/procedures GET Get all procedures of a database on a specific target system.
/systems/[systemName]/databases/[databaseName]/tables GET Get all tables of a database on a specific target system.
/systems/[systemName]/databases/[databaseName]/tables/[tableName] GET Get a specific table of a database on the specified target system.
/systems/[systemName]/databases/[databaseName]/views GET Get all views of a database on the specified target system.
/systems/[systemName]/databases/[databaseName]/views/[viewName] GET Get a specific view of a database on the specified target system.