Teradata R Package Function Reference - Attribution - Teradata R Package - Look here for syntax, methods and examples for the functions included in the Teradata R Package.

Teradata® R Package Function Reference

Teradata R Package
Release Number
February 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage


The Attribution (td_attribution_mle) function is used in web page analysis, where it lets companies assign weights to pages before certain events, such as buying a product.
The function calculates attributions with a choice of distribution models and has two versions:

  • Multiple-input: Accepts one or more input tables and gets many parameters from other dimension tables.

  • Single-input: Accepts only one input table and gets all parameters from argments.

Note: This function is only available when tdplyr is connected to Vantage 1.1 or later versions.


  td_attribution_mle (
      data = NULL,
      data.optional = NULL,
      conversion.events = NULL,
      excluding.data = NULL,
      optional.data = NULL,
      model1.type = NULL,
      model2.type = NULL,
      model1.name = NULL,
      model2.name = NULL,
      event.column = NULL,
      timestamp.column = NULL,
      window.size = NULL,
      conversion.data = NULL,
      optional.events = NULL,
      exclude.events = NULL,
      data.sequence.column = NULL,
      data.optional.sequence.column = NULL,
      conversion.data.sequence.column = NULL,
      excluding.data.sequence.column = NULL,
      optional.data.sequence.column = NULL,
      model1.type.sequence.column = NULL,
      model2.type.sequence.column = NULL,
      data.partition.column = NULL,
      data.optional.partition.column = NULL,
      data.order.column = NULL,
      data.optional.order.column = NULL,
      conversion.data.order.column = NULL,
      excluding.data.order.column = NULL,
      optional.data.order.column = NULL,
      model1.type.order.column = NULL,
      model2.type.order.column = NULL



Required Argument.
Specifies the tbl_teradata that contains the click stream data, which the function uses to compute attributions.


Required Argument.
Specifies Partition By columns for data.
Values to this argument can be provided as a vector, if multiple columns are used for partition.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Required Argument.
Specifies Order By columns for data.
Values to this argument can be provided as a vector, if multiple columns are used for ordering.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Optional Argument.
Specifies the tbl_teradata that contains additional click stream data, which cogroups attributes from all specified tbl_teradata objects.


Optional Argument. Required if "data.optional" is specified.
Specifies Partition By columns for data.optional. Values to this argument can be provided as a vector, if multiple columns are used for partition.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Optional Argument.
Specifies Order By columns for data.optional.
Values to this argument can be provided as a vector, if multiple columns are used for ordering.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Optional Argument. "conversion.events" is a required argument if "conversion.data" is not provided.
Specifies the conversion events. Each conversion event is a string or integer.
Types: character OR vector of characters


Optional Argument.
Specifies the names of the input tbl_teradata that contains one varchar column ("excluding.events") containing values of excluding cause event.


Optional Argument.
Specifies Order By columns for excluding.data. Values to this argument can be provided as a vector, if multiple columns are used for ordering.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Optional Argument.
Specifies the names of the input tbl_teradata contains one varchar column ("optional.events") containing values of optional cause event.


Optional Argument.
Specifies Order By columns for optional.data.
Values to this argument can be provided as a vector, if multiple columns are used for ordering.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Optional Argument."model1.type" is a required argument if "model1.name" is not provided.
Specifies the tbl_teradata that defines the type and distributions of the first model.
For example: model1.data ("EVENT_REGULAR", "email:0.19:LAST_CLICK:NA", "impression:0.81:WEIGHTED:0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1")


Optional Argument.
Specifies Order By columns for model1.type. Values to this argument can be provided as a vector, if multiple columns are used for ordering.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Optional Argument.
Specifies the tbl_teradata that defines the type and distributions of the second model.
For example: model2.data ("EVENT_OPTIONAL", "OrganicSearch:0.5:UNIFORM:NA", "Direct:0.3:UNIFORM:NA", "Referral:0.2:UNIFORM:NA")


Optional Argument.
Specifies Order By columns for model2.type.
Values to this argument can be provided as a vector, if multiple columns are used for ordering.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Optional Argument."model1.name" is a required argument if "model1.type" is not provided.
Specifies the type and specifcation of the first model.
For example: Model1 ('EVENT_REGULAR', 'email:0.19:LAST_CLICK:NA', 'impression:0.81:WEIGHTED:0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1') Types: character OR vector of characters


Optional Argument.
Specifies the type and distributions of the second model.
For example: Model2 ('EVENT_OPTIONAL', 'OrganicSearch:0.5:UNIFORM:NA', 'Direct:0.3:UNIFORM:NA', 'Referral:0.2:UNIFORM:NA')
Types: character OR vector of characters


Required Argument.
Specifies the name of the input column that contains the clickstream events.
Types: character


Required Argument.
Specifies the name of the input column that contains the timestamps of the clickstream events.
Types: character


Required Argument.
Specifies how to determine the maximum window size for the attribution calculation:

  • rows:K: Considers the maximum number of events to be attributed, excluding events of types specified in excluding_event_table, which means assigning attributions to atmost K effective events before the current impact event.

  • seconds:K: Consider the maximum time difference between the current impact event and the earliest effective event to be attributed.

  • rows:K&seconds:K2: Consider both constraints and comply with the stricter one.

Types: character


Optional Argument."conversion.data" is a required argument if "conversion.events" is not provided.
Specifies the names of the input tbl_teradata that contains one varchar column ("conversion.events") containing conversion event values.


Optional Argument.
Specifies Order By columns for conversion.data. Values to this argument can be provided as a vector, if multiple columns are used for ordering.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Optional Argument.
Specifies the optional events. Each optional event is a string or integer. An optional event cannot be a conversion event or an exclude event. The function attributes a conversion event to an optional event only if it cannot attribute it to a regular event.
Types: character OR vector of characters


Optional Argument.
Specifies the events to exclude from the attribution calculation. Each exclude event is a string or integer. An exclude event cannot be a conversion event.
Types: character OR vector of characters


Optional Argument.
Specifies the vector of column(s) that uniquely identifies each row of the input argument "data". The argument is used to ensure deterministic results for functions which produce results that vary from run to run.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Optional Argument.
Specifies the vector of column(s) that uniquely identifies each row of the input argument "data.optional". The argument is used to ensure deterministic results for functions which produce results that vary from run to run.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Optional Argument.
Specifies the vector of column(s) that uniquely identifies each row of the input argument "conversion.data". The argument is used to ensure deterministic results for functions which produce results that vary from run to run.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Optional Argument.
Specifies the vector of column(s) that uniquely identifies each row of the input argument "excluding.data". The argument is used to ensure deterministic results for functions which produce results that vary from run to run.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Optional Argument.
Specifies the vector of column(s) that uniquely identifies each row of the input argument "optional.data". The argument is used to ensure deterministic results for functions which produce results that vary from run to run.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Optional Argument.
Specifies the vector of column(s) that uniquely identifies each row of the input argument "model1.type". The argument is used to ensure deterministic results for functions which produce results that vary from run to run.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Optional Argument.
Specifies the vector of column(s) that uniquely identifies each row of the input argument "model2.type". The argument is used to ensure deterministic results for functions which produce results that vary from run to run.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)


Function returns an object of class "td_attribution_mle" which is a named list containing Teradata tbl object.
Named list member can be referenced directly with the "$" operator using name: result.


  • The Multiple-input Attribution takes data from multiple tbl_teradata ("data.optional", "conversion.data", "excluding.data", "optional.data", "model1.type" and "model2.type").
    The arguments "data.optional", "conversion.data", "excluding.data", "optional.data", "model1.type" and "model2.type" should be mentioned together and should not be used with arguments "conversion.events", "model1.name", "optional.events", "exclude.events" and "model2.name".
    For example,
    attribution <- Attribution(data = < table | view | (query) >,
    data.partition.column = 'partition_column',
    data.order.column = 'order_column',
    data.optional = < table | view | (query) >,
    conversion.data = < table | view | (query) >,
    excluding.data = < table | view | (query) >,
    optional.data = < table | view | (query) >,
    model1.type = < table | view | (query) >,
    model2.type = < table | view | (query) >,
    event.column = 'event_column',
    timestamp.column = 'timestamp_column',
    window.size = 'rows:K | seconds:K | rows:K&seconds:K'

  • The Single-input Attribution takes data from single tbl_teradata ("data") and parameters come from arguments ("conversion.events", "model1.name", "optional.events", "exclude.events" and "model2.name"), not input tbl_teradata.
    The arguments "conversion.events", "model1.name", "optional.events", "exclude.events" and "model2.name" should be used together and should not be used with arguments "data.optional", "conversion.data", "excluding.data", "optional.data", "model1.type" and "model2.type".
    For example,
    attribution <- Attribution(data = < table | view | (query) >,
    conversion.events = c('conversion_event', ...),
    timestamp.column = ”timestamp_column”,
    model1.name = c('type', 'K' | 'EVENT:WEIGHT:MODEL:PARAMETERS', ...),
    model2.name = c('type', 'K' | 'EVENT:WEIGHT:MODEL:PARAMETERS', ...),
    event.column = "event_column"
    window.size = 'rows:K | seconds:K | rows:K&seconds:K',
    optional.events = c("organicsearch", "direct", "referral"),
    data.order.column = 'order_by_column'


    # Get the current context/connection
    con <- td_get_context()$connection
    # Load the data to run the example
    loadExampleData("attribution_example", "attribution_sample_table", "attribution_sample_table1", "attribution_sample_table2", "conversion_event_table", "optional_event_table", "model1_table", "model2_table", "excluding_event_table")
    # Create remote tibble objects.
    attribution_sample_table <- tbl(con, "attribution_sample_table")
    attribution_sample_table1 <- tbl(con, "attribution_sample_table1")
    attribution_sample_table2 <- tbl(con, "attribution_sample_table2")
    conversion_event_table <- tbl(con, "conversion_event_table")
    optional_event_table <- tbl(con, "optional_event_table")
    model1_table <- tbl(con, "model1_table")
    model2_table <- tbl(con, "model2_table")
    excluding_event_table <- tbl(con, "excluding_event_table")
    # Example 1 - One Regular Model, Multiple Optional Models.
    # This example specifes one distribution model for regular events 
    # and one distribution model for each type of optional event.
    attribution_out1 <- td_attribution_mle(data = attribution_sample_table,
                                 data.partition.column = 'user_id',
                                 data.order.column = 'time_stamp',
                                 event.column = 'event',
                                 timestamp.column = 'time_stamp',
                                 window.size = 'rows:10&seconds:20',
                                 exclude.events = 'Email',
                                 conversion.events = c('SocialNetwork','PaidSearch'),
                                 model1.name = c('SEGMENT_ROWS', '3:0.5:EXPONENTIAL:0.5,ROW','4:0.3:WEIGHTED:0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1', '3:0.2:FIRST_CLICK:NA'),
                                 model2.name = c('SEGMENT_SECONDS','6:0.5:UNIFORM:NA','8:0.3:LAST_CLICK:NA','6:0.2:FIRST_CLICK:NA'),
                                 optional.events = c('OrganicSearch','Direct','Referral')
  # Example 2 - Multiple Regular Models, One Optional Model.
  # This example specifes one distribution model for each type of regular 
  # event and one distribution model for optional events.<
  attribution_out2 <- td_attribution_mle(data = attribution_sample_table,
                                         data.partition.column = 'user_id',
                                         conversion.events = c('SocialNetwork','PaidSearch'),
                                         timestamp.column = 'time_stamp',
                                         model1.name = c('EVENT_REGULAR',
                                         model2.name = c('EVENT_OPTIONAL', 'ALL:1:EXPONENTIAL:0.5,ROW'),
                                         event.column = 'event',
                                         window.size = 'rows:10&seconds:20',
                                         optional.events = c('OrganicSearch','Direct','Referral'),
                                         data.order.column = 'time_stamp'
  # Example 3 - # This example uses Dynamic Weighted Distribution Models Input.
  attribution_out3 <- td_attribution_mle(data = attribution_sample_table,
                                         data.partition.column = 'user_id',
                                         conversion.events = c('SocialNetwork','PaidSearch'),
                                         timestamp.column = 'time_stamp',
                                         model1.name = c('EVENT_REGULAR',
                                         model2.name = c('EVENT_OPTIONAL', 'ALL:1:WEIGHTED:0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1'),
                                         event.column = 'event',
                                         window.size = 'rows:10&seconds:20',
                                         optional.events = c('OrganicSearch','Direct','Referral'),
                                         data.order.column = 'time_stamp'
  # Example 4 - This example uses Window Models.
  attribution_out4 <- td_attribution_mle(data = attribution_sample_table,
                                         data.partition.column = 'user_id',      
                                         conversion.events = c('SocialNetwork','PaidSearch'),
                                         timestamp.column = 'time_stamp',
                                         model1.name = c('SEGMENT_ROWS','3:0.5:EXPONENTIAL:0.5,ROW','4:0.3:WEIGHTED:0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1','3:0.2:FIRST_CLICK:NA'),
                                         model2.name = c('SEGMENT_SECONDS', '6:0.5:UNIFORM:NA',
                                         event.column = 'event',
                                         window.size = 'rows:10&seconds:20',
                                         optional.events = c('OrganicSearch','Direct','Referral'),
                                         exclude.events  = 'Email',
                                         data.order.column = 'time_stamp'
  # Example 5 - This example uses Single-Window Model.
  attribution_out5 <- td_attribution_mle(data = attribution_sample_table,
                                         data.partition.column = 'user_id',    
                                         conversion.events = c('SocialNetwork','PaidSearch'),
                                         timestamp.column = 'time_stamp',
                                         model1.name = c('SIMPLE', 'UNIFORM:NA'),
                                         event.column = 'event',
                                         window.size = 'rows:10&seconds:20',
                                         exclude.events  = 'Email',
                                         data.order.column = 'time_stamp'
  # Example 6 - This example uses Unused Segment Windows.
  attribution_out6 <- td_attribution_mle(data = attribution_sample_table,
                                         data.partition.column = 'user_id',  
                                         conversion.events = c('SocialNetwork','PaidSearch'),
                                         timestamp.column = 'time_stamp',
                                         model1.name = c('SEGMENT_ROWS','3:0.5:EXPONENTIAL:0.5,ROW','4:0.3:WEIGHTED:0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1','3:0.2:FIRST_CLICK:NA'),
                                          model2.name = c('SEGMENT_SECONDS','6:0.5:UNIFORM:NA','8:0.3:LAST_CLICK:NA', '6:0.2:FIRST_CLICK:NA'),
                                         event.column = 'event',
                                         window.size = 'rows:10&seconds:20',
                                         exclude.events  = 'Email',
                                         data.order.column = 'time_stamp'

  # Example 7 - This example uses Multiple Inputs which takes data 
  # and parameters from multiple tables and outputs attributions.
  attribution_out7 <- td_attribution_mle(data = attribution_sample_table1,
                               data.partition.column = 'user_id',
                               data.optional = attribution_sample_table2,
                               data.optional.partition.column = 'user_id',
                               data.order.column = 'time_stamp',
                               conversion.data = conversion_event_table,
                               excluding.data = excluding_event_table,
                               optional.data = optional_event_table,
                               model1.type = model1_table,
                               model2.type = model2_table,
                               event.column = 'event',
                               timestamp.column = 'time_stamp',
                               window.size = 'rows:10&seconds:20'