Copy the Files From a New Version of the Teradata Developer Tools - Teradata SQL Assistant

Teradata® SQL Assistant for Windows User Guide

Teradata SQL Assistant
Release Number
October 2018
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
Most of the control files used by SQL Assistant are the same, or very similar to, those used by the Teradata Developer Tools. These files can therefore be copied from a newer version of the tools product as follows.
  1. Go to the Visual Studio Marketplace at
  2. Search for Teradata, then select Teradata Developer Tools – English version.
  3. Download the package. It is a single .zip file with the vsix extension.
  4. Unzip the Teradata.Client.Query.vsix file to a temporary location.
  5. Copy the teradata*.mbr files to c:\users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Teradata\SQL Assistant.
    These files will replace existing files of the same name.
  6. Copy the explain.lng and format.lng files to <SQL Assistant install directory>\Data.
  7. Use a Diff product, such as WinMerge, to merge the changes from the teradata.lng file to the existing SQL Assistant file in <SQL Assistant install directory>\Data.
    • The files have different names on line 2 so do not merge that difference.
    • The Visual Studio Tool file has a SemicolonTrigger entry that is not required by SQL Assistant.
    • The SQL Assistant file has multiple references to the following additional token types:
      • Commands
      • NamedParam

        The references to these token types should not be removed.

      Otherwise, merge all the remaining differences.

    The teradata.syn file is not used by the Teradata Developer Tools. You will need to manually edit that file to see any new syntax examples in the Favorites window.