Window Control Shortcut Keys - Teradata SQL Assistant

Teradata® SQL Assistant for Windows User Guide

Teradata SQL Assistant
Release Number
October 2018
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The following table lists the shortcut keys that handle Window and focus control.

Shortcut Key Description
Alt+F4 Closes the application.
Ctrl+F4 Closes the current child window.
Ctrl+F5 Restores the current child window to its previous size.
Ctrl+F6 Moves focus to the next child window.
Ctrl+F7 Moves the current child window.
Ctrl+F8 Resizes the current child window.
Ctrl+F9 Minimizes the current child window.
Ctrl+F10 Maximizes the current child window.
Ctrl+Tab Moves focus to the next child window.
Ctrl+PageUp Displays the next Query/Answer tab
Ctrl+PageDn Displays the previous Query/Answer tab.
Shift+F4 Tiles the child windows horizontally.
Shift+F5 Cascades the child windows.
Ctrl+F6 Tiles the child windows vertically.
Alt+Space Opens the Control menu.

Moves focus to the menu bar (or back from menu bar)

When the focus is on the menu bar, the following keyboard shortcuts apply:
  • ←→: Moves focus to the next/previous menu or tool button
  • Up arrow/down arrow: Moves focus to the next/previous menu item
  • Ctrl+Tab: Moves focus to the next toolbar
  • Down arrow: Drops down the list for a drop-down tool button
    • Up arrow/down arrow: Moves through the list items
    • Enter: Selects the current list item and leaves the toolbar
    • Tab: Selects the current list item and moves to the next tool button
F4 Drops down the list (when focus is in a control with a drop-down button).