ColumnDelimiter |
{tab} |
Use a tab character as the delimiter between columns in export and import files. |
ColumnQuote |
Do not enclose the data fields in quotes (or expect in Import). |
ExportOneFile |
False |
Export results from multiple statements to separate files. |
ExportWriteSQL |
False |
Do not write SQL and result status to the export file. |
ExportWriteHeader |
True |
Write column headers to the export file. |
ExportWriteBOM |
True |
A Byte Order Mark is written to the start of all Export files. |
ExportRowNum |
True |
An AutoNumber column is added as the first column in any table created for an Export to Access operation. |
RemoveCrLf |
False |
Do not remove carriage returns from exported text values. |
LimitExports |
False |
Do not prompt the user when the Answerset row limit is reached. |
ImportConvert |
False |
Do not convert the localized decimal point to a period on import. (Option is only enabled when the decimal point is not a period.) |
ImportSkipHeader |
False |
Do not skip the header record (first line) of imported files. |
ImportBatchSize |
20 |
Submit 20 rows worth of data at a time when Importing data (not ODBC). |
ImportIgnoreError |
False |
Do not ignore errors, such as duplicate inserts, when using Batch Import. |