Setting Export Options - Teradata SQL Assistant

Teradata® SQL Assistant for Windows User Guide

Teradata SQL Assistant
Release Number
October 2018
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Use the following procedure to set export options in the Options dialog. See Setting Export/Import Options for more information on setting the Export/Import tab and Setting Import Options for Import tab settings.

After selecting any of these options, follow the instructions on Exporting Results to learn about exporting results.

For more information, see Default Preferences (Options).

  1. Select Tools > Options.
  2. Click the Export tab.
  3. Select the options you want.
    Option Description
    Write all exported answer sets to a single file Writes the output from a query that contains multiple select statements to a single file. The default value of this option is cleared, meaning output from a query that contains multiple select statements is written to multiple files.
    Write the SQL and result status to the export file Writes the SQL and result status to the export file. The result status is the rows processed, elapsed time, and error messages (if any occurred). The default value of this option is cleared, meaning the SQL and result status is not written to the export file.
    Write column headers to the export file

    Writes column headers to the export file before the data is written. Clear this option if you plan to import the data back into the database at a later time. If this option is not selected, no column headers are written.

    The default value is selected.

    Replace Carriage Returns in column data with blanks

    Replaces carriage returns in column data with blanks when exporting to text files. If this option is not selected, carriage returns are left as is.

    The default value is cleared.

    Write Byte Order Mark [BOM] to unicode export files

    When selected, all Unicode or UTF8 export files include a BOM at their beginning.

    The default value is selected.

    Include a Row Number column in Microsoft Access export tables

    When selected, an AutoNumber column is defined as the first column of a new export table. This column contains the row number of that row.

    The default value is selected.

    Honor the Answerset row return limit during exports

    When selected, exported result sets are terminated when they reach the Maximum Row Limit set on the Answer tab. If there are multiple result sets, the limit applies to each individual set.

    The default value is cleared.