- With the history table window active, select .
Complete the following options:
Option Description Find What Enter the desired text string, or select an existing text string. Match Case Select this checkbox to find text that matches the case of the search string. Search current column only Clear this check box to search the entire spreadsheet. If multiple cells are selected, the ‘current’ cell is marked with a bold outline.
The default is selected, but the new setting is retained if it is changed.
Searches are faster when they are limited to a single column.Use wildcard characters ( * and ?) Select this checkbox to treat any question mark symbol (?) and asterisk symbol (*) in the search string as a “wildcard” character.
The question mark represents any single character. The asterisk represents any string of zero or more characters.
Find Next Searches for the next occurrence of the search string within the current grid. The search starts at the current cell position in the grid. Find All Finds all occurrences of the search string and display them in a list box. Clicking an item in the list moves the selection in Answerset to the corresponding cell. The cell appears if necessary.