Creating a Teradata Project - Teradata Studio

Teradata Studio IDE Plug-in User Guide

Teradata Studio
Release Number
August 2016
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
The Teradata Project wizard guides you through the steps to create and configure a Java Project. You can also set up the default source directories to create for the project.
  1. From the main menu, select New > Other. The New dialog displays.
  2. In Wizards, select Teradata Project under Teradata Wizards.
  3. Click Next. The Teradata Project wizard launches.
  4. In Create a Java Project, type a name for the project.
  5. To create the new project in your workspace with the name you specified, select Use the default location. Otherwise, leave the box unchecked and specify a directory in which to create the project in Location.
  6. In JRE, select:
    Option Description
    Use an execution environment JRE [Default] Select the JRE environment to use.
    Use a project-specific JRE Select to specify a specific JRE for the new project. The project uses the default compiler compliance this is configured in the Java Compiler preference dialog.
    Use default JRE Select to specify an execution environment for the new project. The new project uses a compiler compliance that is appropriate for the selected execution environment.
    Click Configure JREs to display the Installed JREs preference dialog where you can add JREs to the JRE lists. Click Configure default to configure the default JRE and compiler compliance.
  7. In Project layout, select one of these options:
    Option Description
    Use project folder as root for sources and class files Uses the project folder as the root folder for all source and class files.
    Create separate folders for sources and class files Creates separate folders for source and class files.
  8. To add the project to a working set, select Add project to working sets and select the working set from the Working Sets list. The Working Sets list shows a list of previously selected working sets. If you need to add a new working set, click Select.
  9. Click Next. The wizard generates the Java build path which consists of source, library, and project entries.
  10. In the Java Settings dialog, define the Java build settings.
    1. In Source, review the folder structure of the new project and add optional details. Source folders are the root of packages containing JAVA files. The compiler translates these files to .class files and writes them to the output folder. The tree structure shows how the project will look when switching to the package explorer.
    2. [Optional] Click Create new source folder to add a new source folder to the project.
    3. [Optional] Click Link additional source to use an existing folder as a source folder.
    4. [Optional] Click Add project to build path if the new project is the root of packages and source files. Entries on the build path are visible to the compiler and incorporated in the build operations.
  11. [Optional] Select Allow output folders for source folders to enable each source folder to have a separate output folder. Deselect this option to output to a single folder specified in Default output folder.
  12. [Optional] Change the structure of the project using these icons in the main toolbars:
    Option Description
    Use as source folder Adds the selected folder to the Java build path as source folder.
    Link additional source to project Adds a link to a folder in the file system as source folder to the Java build path.
    Remove from buildpath Removes a source folder from the Java build path and changes it into a normal folder.
    Include Includes a previously excluded resource.
    Exclude Adds a resource to the exclusion filter of the parent source folder making the excluded resource and its children no longer visible to the compiler.
    Configure Inclusion/Exclusion Filters Customizes the inclusion and exclusion filters by defining string patterns. Wildcards are enabled.
    Configure Output Folder Changes the output folder for a source filter. This icon is enabled if you select the Allow output folders for source folders check box.
    Clear all changes Returns project to its original state by withdrawing all changes to the project.
  13. [Optional] Click Projects and add, edit, or remove the required projects on the build path.
  14. [Optional] Click Libraries and add, edit, or remove JAR and class folders on the build path.
  15. [Optional] Click Order and Export and change the build class path order and exported entries as needed.
  16. Click Finish. The wizard creates the Teradata Project in the Project Explorer using the structure you defined in the wizard.