Interdependency Browser Actions - Teradata Studio

Teradata Studio IDE Plug-in User Guide

Teradata Studio
Release Number
March 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The following actions appear in context menus of database objects:

Action Description
Show Object In Object Viewer Details of the selected object appear in the Object Viewer. This action is unavailable if the object cannot be shown in the Object Viewer.
Show Containing Object Object that contains the selected object appears in the diagram; the containment relationship line appears between them; and the containing object is selected. If the containing object is already in the diagram but not currently visible, the diagram scrolls until it appears.
Show Default Referring Objects Default set of objects that refer to the selected object appears with the relationships between them.
Show Default Referred To Objects Default set of objects to which the selected object refers appears in the diagram with the relationships between them.
Show Columns Columns contained in the selected object are added or removed. In the case of views, the tables columns that the view references also appear.
Show Constraints Table primary key, foreign keys, and check constraints are added or removed.
Show Indexes Indexes of the selected table or database are added or removed.
Show Macros Macros of the selected database are added or removed.
Show Parameters Parameters of the selected stored procedure or macro are added or removed.
Show Databases Databases of the selected database system are added or removed.
Show Stored Procedures Stored procedures of the selected database are added or removed.
Show Tables Tables referenced by the selected object are added or removed. This action is available for databases (to show the tables it contains) and objects that reference tables (such as views and macros).
Show Triggers Triggers referenced by the selected object are added or removed. This action is available for databases (to show the triggers it contains), tables (to show the triggers of the table), and columns (to show the triggers that occur on updates to the selected column).
Show Stored Procedures Stored procedures referenced by the selected object are added or removed. This action is available for databases (to show the stored procedures it contains) and objects that reference stored procedures (such as stored procedures and macros).
Show UDFs User-defined functions contained in the selected databases are added or removed. (Currently user-defined functions are not indexed by Meta Data Services so other references to them are not available.)
Show UDTs User-defined types contained in the selected database are added or removed. (Currently user-defined types are not indexed by Meta Data Services so other references to them are not available.)
Show Views Views referenced by the selected object are added or removed. This action is available for databases (to show the views it contains) and objects that reference views (such as stored procedures, views, and macros).

The following actions appear in context menus of relationship lines:

Action Description
Show Referring Object Referring object is selected and scrolled into view if it is not already visible.
Show Referred Object Object being referred is selected and scrolled into view if it is not already visible.