About the Load Data Wizard - Teradata Studio

Teradata Studio User Guide

Teradata Studio
Release Number
May 2016
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Once you have selected the table to receive the data in the Data Source Explorer, You can specify the type of data import you want performed.

You must select External File (FastLoad) as the Source Type to launch the Load Data Wizard.
After the Load Data Wizard opens, specify the name, path, and external file type of the source file. Be sure to specify data delimiters and encoding used in the source file. Use the drop-down lists to select the correct information.
Section Description
Data Import from External File Use this section to specify the name of the file from which to import data and to specify the server path to its location in the file system. To locate an existing file, click Browse and navigate the file system to select a file. You can choose to load data from a text file, such as a.txt or.cvs file, or from a Microsoft Excel file. Choose between a.xslx file, or.xls (Microsoft Excel 97-2003) file. The file data options change depending on which type of source file you selected.
Data Import Options Column Labels in First Row Specifies that the first row of the source file contains the column labels to load as column headers in the table.
Stop Loading If Max Error(s) Occur Specify the maximum number of errors allowed before the wizard stops the Load operation.
Lock Table Select to lock the table during the load operation to prevent any other Read/Write transactions on the table. This feature is not available for Aster data transfers.
Replace Existing Data Select to replace all existing data in the table with the imported data from the file.
Import File Delimiters and Encoding You must specify how the source file delimits the data it contains. A delimiter is a character or sequence of characters that specify the boundaries of independent regions of data in plain text by distinguishing the beginning and end of the unit of data, such as a field value. You can select commas, semicolons, spaces, tabs, fixed widths, or vertical bars (|). You can optionally specify the character string delimiter and type of file encoding used.
Data in External File Data contained in the external file displays at the bottom of the wizard screen. Table data includes column name, column data type, and values in table rows.