About Connection Profiles | Teradata Studio/Studio Express - About Connection Profiles - Teradata Studio

Teradata® Studio™ Express User Guide - 17.20

Teradata Studio
Release Number
September 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

A connection profile contains the connection property information needed to connect to a data source in your enterprise.

You can create the following types of connection profiles. Those marked default are the default options in the system.

The system also supports connections to Oracle, DB2, and SQL Server Connections. These connections are contributed by the vendors to Eclipse. To use these connections, contact the vendor for the JDBC driver and instructions.

You can modify connection profiles by right-clicking a connection profile in the Data Source Explorer or Navigator view and selecting Properties.

Option Description
Aster Database Connects to Teradata Aster Database using the Aster Embedded JDBC Driver (default).
Aster Execution Engine (Aster-on-Hadoop) Connects to a Teradata Aster Execution Engine instance using the Aster AX Embedded JDBC Driver (default).
DB2 for Windows Connects to IBM DB2 database for Windows.
DB2 for i5/OS Connects to IBM DB2 embedded in the i5/OS operating system for IBM System i (iSeries) formerly AS/400.
DB2 for z/OS Connects to IBM DB2 for z/OS for IBM mainframe systems.
Generic JDBC Connects using a JDBC database connection.
Hadoop Cloudera Connects to Hadoop Cloudera systems using these user-defined options (defaults):
  • Teradata Connection to Hadoop (TDCH) for Teradata data transfer
  • SQL-H for Hadoop to Aster data transfer
  • Smart Loader for external file import and export in Hadoop
  • Hive JDBC for creating and running SQL
  • Hive Impala JDBC for creating and running SQL
Hadoop Generic System Connects to open source Hadoop systems using the WebHDFS service (default).
Hadoop Hortonworks Connects to Hortonworks Hadoop systems using these user-defined options (defaults):
  • Knox Gateway
  • Teradata Connection to Hadoop (TDCH) for Teradata data transfer
  • SQL-H for Hadoop to Aster data transfer
  • Smart Loader for external file import and export in Hadoop
  • Hive JDBC for creating and running SQL
Oracle Connects to an Oracle database.
SQL Server Connects to a Microsoft SQL Server.
Teradata Database Connects to Vantage using the Teradata Embedded JDBC Driver (default).