To enable TLS 1.2 support for Teradata Studio/Studio Express, follow these steps:
- While Creating a Teradata Connection Profile, click Add from the JDBC Connection Properties to open the Add JDBC Property window.
- Select the property SSLMODE from the drop-down of the Select JDBC Property.
- Select a proper value (ALLOW, DISABLE, PREFER, REQUIRE, VERIFY-CA, VERIFY-FULL) from the Select Property Value for SSLMODE.
- Click OK.
- [Optional] If you select VERIFY-CA or VERIFY-FULL for SSLMODE property, the client TLS certificate is required. Use any of the following approach to get the TLS certificate.
- Create a new JDBC property pair of client TLS certificate path and SSLCA, as following:
- Click Add from the JDBC Connection Properties, to open the Add JDBC Property window.
- Select SSLCA from the Select JDBC Property drop-down list to open the Enter JDBC Property Value window.
- Copy and paste the client TLS certificate path in the Property Value.
- Click OK to close the Enter JDBC Property Value window. The TLS certificate path appears in the Select Property Value.
- Click OK. The JDBC property value pair is added to the JDBC Connection Properties.
- Copy a client TLS certificate to the Teradata Studio/Studio Express, as following:
- Copy a client TLS certificate to the Teradata Studio/Studio Express installation path configuration directory.
For example, C:\Program Files\Teradata\Client\17.20\Teradata Studio Express nt-x8664\configuration
- Make sure the certificate name is sslcacert with required extension.
Teradata Studio/Studio Express picks the TLS certificate only if the TLS certificate is available in the specified locaton with the specified name.Teradata Studio/Studio Express adds the TLS certificate to the JDBC connection property automatically.
- Copy a client TLS certificate to the Teradata Studio/Studio Express installation path configuration directory.