The SQL Editor provides an integrated environment to develop SQL statements for execution. You can validate SQL syntax, save files to a project or export to system files, and execute all SQL in a file or execute the SQL as individual statements. You must specify a Connection Profile before you can execute an SQL query statement.
The SQL Editor displays when you open an SQL/DDL file or when you select the Query Development perspective. Double-click an SQL/DDL file in the Project Explorer to open that file.
- Connection Profile Name
- Selects the profile in which to run the SQL script. You do not have to connect to a Connection Profile to display the Connection Profile name in the list.
- Editor Work Area
- Displays the active SQL edit window. You can insert, delete, and modify SQL statements displayed in this area. After SQL is executed, any passwords displayed in the editor are masked. If you want to re-execute the SQL, type in the passwords.
- Connection Status Indicator
- Shows the status of the connection to the selected Connection Profile. Green indicates the connection is active.
- Autocommit Toggle
- When selected, submits each SQL statement in autocommit mode. Each SQL statement is then executed in its own transaction that ends with a COMMIT statement. You cannot roll back an SQL statement that is executed in autocommit mode. When Autocommit is set to ON, the Autocommit check box in the toolbar is selected. To turn Autocommit OFF, clear the check box.
- Max Rows
- Maximum number of rows returned by SQL executed in this editor.
- SQL Execution Options
- Displays a list of Execute options. You can select to Execute an Individual Statement, or Execute All query statements in the editing pane.
- SQL Editor Toolbar
- Set of tools to manage and execute SQL.
- Content Assist
- Provides aids for validating, debugging, and editing the SQL queries you develop in the editor. Use the Text Editors preference settings ( ) to change the appearance of the SQL Editor, including displayed tab widths, color options, line numbers, and hover overs.