Use the Export Preferences dialog to specify export file settings.
"Append" and "Replace" functionality are independent of this preference. If no changes are made to the export file settings, "append" and "replace" will happen in the same file.
- Select .
- Set any of the following export file settings:
- Select Open After Export is Complete to open the file after export operation completes.
- Select Write Byte Order Mark [BOM] to Unicode Export Files to include BOM data in exported Unicode files.
- Select Write SQL and Result Status to the Export File to include SQL and result status data in exported files.
- Select Write all Exported result sets to a single file to export multiple results sets into a single file.
- Do the following in the Excel Export Options section:
- Select Alternate Row Colors to alternate row background colors when exporting to Excel. Select a different background color by clicking color. The default for this option is cleared.
- In Big Int/Decimal Format, select an output format for Big Integers and Decimals. If you choose number, some precision may be lost. The default for this option is String.
- Click Apply, then OK to save your changes.