Set Table Data Editor Preferences | Teradata Studio/Studio Express - Setting Table Data Editor Preferences - Teradata Studio

Teradata® Studio™ Express User Guide - 17.20

Teradata Studio
Release Number
September 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
Set Table Data Editor preferences that determine the appearance and functional behavior.
  1. Select Window > Preferences > Teradata Datatools > Table Data Editor.
  2. Make any desired changes.
    Option Description
    Color Options
    Display alternate Result Set rows in Color Select the check box to enable an alternate row background color, and then select the color. Click the color box to see color options.
    Insert Selection Color Click the color box to select the background color for inserted data.
    Update Selection Color Click the color box to select the background color for updated data.
    Delete Selection Color Click the color box to select the background color for deleted data.
    Editor Options
    Show Row Numbers Select the check box to show numbered rows in the first column of the data grid.
    Display Filter Dialog Threshold (rows) Enter the number of table rows before which the Table Data Editor presents the Data Filter dialog. Be sure to specify filters in the Table Data Editor to reduce the number of data rows that display.
    Transaction Commit Size (rows) Enter the number of data rows to batch in a single COMMIT transaction. This number is the threshold at which the batch UPDATE operation occurs. For example, if you set the threshold at 1000, the operation batches 1000 data row updates in a single COMMIT transaction.
    Copy and Paste Options
    Copy Column Names when Copying Rows Select the check box to include column header labels when copying data to a file.
    Column Delimiter Select from the list the type of delimiter to use to separate data when copying or pasting from the editor to a file, such as Microsoft EXCEL or Notepad. Supported delimiters are: Tab (default), Comma, Semicolon, Space, and the pipeline | character.
  3. Click Apply to apply your changes.
    You can preview results in the Table Data Editor before you click OK. If you want to return to default values, click Restore Defaults.
  4. Click OK to save your preference settings.