Subject | Description |
Default Directory | The tar_teradata_client_packages script prompts for a directory to create the tar file. To use the default user directory, press Enter. By convention, the default home directory is %USERPROFILE%.By convention, the default home directory is:
The script attempts to create the directory if it does not exist. If the location is read-only or unable to be written, the script ends. |
Multiple and Dependent Packages | If a single package or multiple packages are selected, all of the dependent products are included, even if the product selected is one of the single dependent packages. Dependent packages typically have mutual dependencies. For example, dependent package cliv2 depends on the dependent packages tdicu and TeraGSS. |
Getting Help on the Script | To view command usage and optional command parameters, run tar_teradata_client_packages by itself or with the optional help parameter:
A screen similar to the following appears:
* Tar Teradata Client Packages v.xx.xx.xx.xx *
Tar Teradata Client Packages
Usage: tar_teradata_client_packages list
tar_teradata_client_packages list {platform}
tar_teradata_client_packages {platform} [{package1} {package2}
commands : help, list, {platform} [{package1} {package2} ...]
help : Display this help message.
list : List the available platforms and packages from the
list {platform} : List the packages available for the specified
{platform} : Available platforms: aix, ia64, pa-risc,
i386, s390x, opteron, sparc
Create the tar file for the supplied platform and
include all packages or individual packages.
{package} : Specify the packages available on this media for the
specific platform. The parameter "all" (or blank) will
include all available packages. To specify individual
packages, list the packages separated by a space.
Example: ttcp.bat linux bteq fastld
The dependencies will automatically be included and do not need to be
listed individually. The following packages are included:
---TeraGSS cliv2 tdicu piom
Listing the Available Packages and Platforms | All of the platforms and packages contained on the installation media can be listed by running the tar_teradata_client_packages script with the list parameter, for example: tar_teradata_client_packages list To list all packages for a specific platform available on the installation media, run tar_teradata_client_packages list platform where platform is the value of one of the platforms, for example: tar_teradata_client_packages list hp-ux A screen similar to the following appears as a result. It lists all the platforms and packages on the current installation media:
* Tar Teradata Client Packages v.xx.xx.xx.xx *
TTU Foundation
The available platforms are:
The available packages are:
--- HP-UX Products
bteq fastexp mload npaxsmod tdicu tpump
cliv2 fastld mqaxsmod piom TeraGSS
--- Linux Products
bteq fastexp mload npaxsmod tdicu tpump
cliv2 fastld mqaxsmod piom TeraGSS