The main installer for UNIX should be used to install the initial release. The main installer automatically installs all products and their dependencies in the correct order. Using an alternative method to do the installation requires you to manually install the products in the correct order.
The main installer supports installing silently so it should be used for deployment. The process is described in Silently Installing Teradata Tools and Utilities.
It is strongly recommended that the UNIX main installer is used to do the initial install of 15.10.04 so as to avoid rpm conflicts.
When installing individual products, they must be
installed in the following order.
- Teradata GSS Client (teragss)
- Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata (tdicu)
- Teradata Wallet
- Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2 (cliv2)
- Teradata Data Connector API (piom)
- Any other products
If a 15.10 GCA or 15.10 efix package is installed, the 15.10.04 installation will fail due to rpm conflicts. The UNIX main installer will handle this issue by giving the option to remove the previous version.