Add the TTU repository that can be accessible via an URL to YUM configuration.
- Copy the file from the Bundle (available on the server) that has to be installed to the client.
- Make sure the TTU YUM repository is available for download on the web server.
- Run script as below:
sh–u client -n <repourl>
- –u client: Script will add the existing TTU repository to the local YUM configuration.
- -n denotes the weburl from which YUM can download the TTU packages. Here, the assumption is that the TTU repository is available for download on the web server.
- Example <repourl>: HYPERLINK "http://server-address/%3cTTU-Version" http://server-address/<TTU-Version> /Linux/<Arch>/<Mediatype>
Ex: sh –u client –n http://server-address/
Adding to YUM configuration Use the following Yum repository file: Filename: /etc/yum.repos.d/ttu-foundation-1510.repo ----------------------------------------------------------------- [ttu-foundation-1510] name=TTU Foundation 1510 i386-x8664 baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copy /tmp/ttu-foundation-1510.repo to /etc/yum.repos.d? [y/n]: y
- Provide “y” as input so that TTU repo will be added to the YUM configuration.Here:
- <TTU-Version> is the version of the TTU. Ex:
- <Arch> is the TTU bundle-supported architectures. Ex: i386-x8664, s390x.
- <Mediatype> is the type of the TTU media. Ex: BASE, TSME.