This example archives packages and dependencies that are required for the deployment of Teradata Tools and Utilities products to Oracle Solaris SPARC clients. The packages and dependencies are copied from the installation media and archived as a tar file. The archive can be copied to Oracle Solaris SPARC machines and expanded. The example assumes that you run the archiving script on a 32-bit Windows system on which tar.exe is installed but gzip.exe is not installed.
Run the script with the list parameter to display a list of the products available for each product and platform:
D:\tar_teradata_client_packages list
A screen similar to the following appears:************************************************************************ * Tar Teradata Client Packages v.xx.xx.xx.xx * ************************************************************************ TTU Foundation The available platforms are: AIX Solaris For Solaris Sparc use "sparc" for the platform parameter. For Solaris Opteron use "opteron" for the platform parameter. The available packages are: --- AIX Products cliv2 cobpp sqlpp tdicu --- Solaris Sparc Products cliv2xxxx sqlppxxxx tdicuxxxx --- Solaris Opteron Products cliv2xxxx sqlppxxxx tdicuxxxx
Enter the following commands to create an archive of the Oracle Solaris SPARC packages and dependencies.
D:\tar_teradata_client_packages sparc
A screen similar to the following appears:
************************************************************************ * Tar Teradata Client Packages v.xx.xx.xx.xx * ************************************************************************ TTU Foundation Platform: Solaris\Sparc Default Path and Output File: C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\teradata-client-Solaris-Sparc-ttu-foundation.tar Hit [Enter] to accept the path: "C:\Documents and Settings\<user>", or input a different save directory :Output File "C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\teradata-client-Solaris-Sparc-ttu-foundation.tar"
Press Enter to accept the default path, copy the packages, and create the tar archive.
A screen similar to the following appears:
---Archiving all packages for sparc. tar cvf "C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\teradata-client-Solaris-Sparc-ttu-foundation.tar" Solaris\Sparc Solaris/Sparc/ Solaris/Sparc/TeraGSS/ Solaris/Sparc/TeraGSS/install/ Solaris/Sparc/TeraGSS/install/depend . . (more files) . Solaris/Sparc/tdicuxxxx/reloc/$LIBDIR64/ Solaris/Sparc/tdicuxxxx/reloc/$LIBDIR64/ tar rvf "C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\teradata-client-Solaris-Sparc-ttu-foundation.tar" tar rvf "C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\teradata-client-Solaris-Sparc-ttu-foundation.tar" setup.bat setup.bat tar rvf "C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\teradata-client-Solaris-Sparc-ttu-foundation.tar" MEDIALABEL MEDIALABEL tar rvf "C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\teradata-client-Solaris-Sparc-ttu-foundation.tar" tar_teradata_client_packages.* tar_teradata_client_packages.bat Notice: The executable gzip.exe is not found. Download from for MSDOS to automatically compress the output tar file to a gzip file. The file has been saved at : C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\teradata-client-Solaris-Sparc-ttu-foundation.tar
D:\tar_teradata_client_packages sparc
A screen similar to the following appears: