Using the PC Communication Interface - Teradata Tools and Utilities

Teradata® Tools and Utilities for IBM z/OS Installation Guide - Teradata Director Program - 17.20

Teradata Tools and Utilities
Release Number
September 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
If you prefer to use the SVC communication interface, see Using SVC Communication Interface.

To use the PC communication interface, install the following modules:

  • HSISXMS in the Fixed Link Pack Area (FLPA)
  • TDPNSPCI in a Pageable Link Pack Area (PLPA) or MPLA)
  • The HSISXMS module must be in Page Fixed memory.
  • The HSIOSSI and TRDTMAS modules are not used for the PC Communication Interface, so they do not need to be installed in any z/OS Link Pack Area (LPA).
Teradata Director Program sets the virtual storage address of the HSISXMS module in the z/OS subsystem control block with the same name as the TDP-ID. While it is possible to use the z/OS system command SETPROG LPA,ADD to dynamically load the HSISXMS and TDPNSPCI modules into the appropriate Link Pack Areas, an HSISXMS module must not be dynamically deleted until every TDP that has used it is restarted using a different HSISXMS or HSIOSSI module. To delete an HSISXMS module prematurely will cause z/OS to consume massive amounts of computer time as it recovers from an ABEND System 0C4 error in end-of-step processing for every z/OS job step that ends before the TDP restart requirement is satisfied.

To page fix the HSISXMS load module, add its name to SYS1.PARMLIB(IEAFIXxx). For more details, see the appropriate version of the IBM publication z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.

To define the HSISXMS module and the TDPNSPCI interface, add the following TDP command as an entry in the TDPPARM data set:


The TDPPARM data set is described elsewhere. For details on TDP INITIAL commands, refer to Teradata® Director Program Reference, B035-2416.

During SMP APPLY processing, the HSISXMS and TDPNSPCI modules are installed into dbcpfx.LPALIB. The PC modules do not take effect until the LPA is refreshed through a CLPA or MLPA IPL.