- Copy dbcpfx.PROCLIB members TDP0 and TDP1 to a JES JCL procedure library.You may modify the member names and symbols in the TDP0 and TDP1 JCL procedures according to the conventions at your site.
- If you chose explicit execution of TDPISSI in Specify I/O Devices, copy the TDPISSI member.For details, see Teradata® Director Program Reference, B035-2416.
- Unless otherwise specified, the TDP jobname must be the same as the tdpid. If this is not acceptable, specify the tdpid associated with this job using the TDPID parameter on the EXEC JCL statement.
The jobname may then be any valid z/OS jobname.
For example, a TDP identifier of TDP0 would be requested by the following EXEC statement:
- Start TDP with one of the following procedures:
- From the z/OS console, execute the START command. For example, you could type START procname, where procname is the name of a member of the procedure library that contains the JCL for starting TDP. Normally, this name is identical to the tdpid for the TDP to be started.
- To start TDP automatically at system IPL, add the following operator start commands to SYS1.PARMLIB COMMNDxx:
- Start a TDP as a batch job.
- Use the Master Scheduler.
While TDP is normally started by a Job Entry Subsystem, it may be started by the Master Scheduler instead. See Using the Master Scheduler for installation and operational considerations.If the current versions of the TDP cataloged procedure and the MVS Program Properties Table (PPT) entry were not properly installed, the following error might occur:TDP1901 TDP STARTED WITH IMPROPER PROTECT KEY.
If so, change the TDP JCL so the value of the PGM= keyword specifies either TRDTMTDP or TDP, whichever is defined in the PPT.
For compatibility with previous versions of TDP, 'TRDTMTDP' has an alias of 'TDP', which is now deprecated.
- After TDP has been started, follow the instructions in the section, Validating the BTEQ Installation, to validate the installation.