The release media contains macros used to create the DBCDLT. When using the DBCDLT macro that is distributed in dbcpfx.TDPMAC, you must define each Teradata Director Program associated with a server that needs to communicate with applications in Two-phase commit mode. The USERMOD sample for the DBC List Table (DBCDLT) is TDU0011 in dbcpfx.SAMPLIB. The macro operands are as follows:
- If your site is using Two-phase commit processing, create the DBC List Table (DBCDLT) to define Two-phase commit participants.where:
- Macro element x
- a single alphanumeric character (0 through 9, A through Z, $, #, or @) that identifies the actual tdpid.
- Macro element zzz
- YES or NO, indicating whether the interface to TDP is to be started automatically during initialization of the DBC CICS Attachment Facility
The assembler statement END is required. Any valid load module addressing and residency are supported and may be specified using Assembler, Linkage Editor, or Binder control statements. None are included in DBCDLT so that assemblers lacking such support may be used. The source is then assembled and link-edited into dbcpfx.CXILOAD. This is the CICS run-time load library that is added to the DFHRPL concatenation in the CICS procedure.