Perform this task only if you are installing from tape. If you are installing from a copy of the TTU z/OS distribution DASD work data sets, see Preparing DASD Work Data Sets.
- Expand the ESDLIB PDS created in the previous task into a copy of the TTU z/OS distribution tape, by running the job in the ESDLIB member BLDTP.
- Build the TTU.PROCLIB library from the new TTU z/OS distribution tape created previously, by running the job in the ESDLIB member PROCTP.Follow the installation procedure in Installing New Software, making note of the following:
- Perform the task Customizing JCL, being aware that TTU.PROCLIB members #INSTCD and JOBCARD were copied from library ESDLIB, including all changes that you made, when library TTU.PROCLIB was created.
- Perform all the remaining installation procedures starting with the task Allocating and Defining Data Sets.Library TPT.H is no longer a non-SMP data set, but is created and loaded during the SMP/E process to install the BASE feature of TTU.