IPv4 or IPv6, or both IP address formats, can be used.
- Define local resolution of IPv4 names to the appropriate MVS ETC.HOSTS.LOCAL dataset by adding entries in the following format:
HOST : ipaddr : database||NTCI||n :: ::
where 'HOST' are these four EBCDIC characters; ':' is this EBCDIC character, ipaddr is the numeric IP address, in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation, of a node on the database that has been configured to support an NP, and database, '||', 'NTCI', and n are as previously defined as the standard Teradata form of an NP network name.For more information, see z/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands, available at: http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/. - Define the local resolution of IPv6 names (and also IPv4 if COMMONSEARCH is specified in the appropriate MVS TCPIP.DATA dataset) to the appropriate MVS ETC.IPNODES dataset by adding entries in the following format:
ipaddr database||NTCI||n[||.||domain]
where ipaddr is the numeric IP address, in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation or IPv6 colon-hexadecimal notation, of a node on the database that has been configured to support an NP, and database, '||', 'NTCI', [' and ']', '.', n are as previously defined as the standard Teradata form of an NP network name.
The value for database from these steps is provided to TDP using the TDP 'CONFIG NP DATABASE' command. The value for domain from these steps is provided to TDP using the TDP 'CONFIG NP DOMAIN' command.