The configuration file contains parameters that determine the default behavior for
Teradata Parallel Transporter
Base, such as default checkpoint and log directories. These must be selected.
- Edit the configuration file and specify the Teradata Parallel Transporter default
directory and default log directory.
CheckpointDirectory='/opt/teradata/client/short version/tbuild/checkpoint', where
- CheckpointDirectory is the directory that contains the checkpoint files for Teradata Parallel Transporter jobs
- short version is the product version in short form (for example, 15.10)
LogDirectory='/opt/teradata/client/short version/tbuild/logs', where- LogDirectory is the directory that contains the binary logs for Teradata Parallel Transporter jobs
- short version is the product version in short form (for example, 15.10)
Each Teradata Parallel Transporter job creates a job log in the jobs directory. Refer to Teradata Parallel Transporter Reference, B035-2436 on how to read the job log.