Unity provides a way to re-synchronize tables that are genuinely out of sync. Unity issues a resync request to re-synchronize a system.
Use one of the following methods to re-synchronize an unrecoverable table.
Method Steps Unity UI - From the Unity UI, select OBJECTS or DATABASES.
- Select an object or a database to synchronize.
- Do one of the following:
- In the object data window, select Sync.
- In the database data window, select Sync Database.
unityadmin -
unityadmin> help object resync; Command: OBJECT RESYNC <tablename>|id:<object id> FROM <tdpid1> TO <tdpid2> [TIMEOUT '<timeout (seconds)>'] Description: Synchronizes the specified table from the source system to the destination system unityadmin> OBJECT RESYNC table1 FROM db1 TO db2 TIMEOUT 600;
unityadmin> help database resync; Command: DATABASE RESYNC <database name FROM <tdpid1> TO <tdpid2> [TIMEOUT '<timeout (seconds)>'] Description: Synchronizes all the tables in the specified database from the source system to the destination system unityadmin> DATABASE RESYNC db1 FROM 1 TO 2 TIMEOUT 600;