A new Teradata system must be added to the Unity environment before you can use it. This can be done using the SYSTEM ADD command at the unityadmin command prompt or from Unity UI.
When the system is added to the Unity environment, the following happens:
- The required processes and config settings are added to connect to the Teradata system.
- If a DBA provides dbc credentials for the Teradata system being added, the unitymgmt user is added to the new Teradata system.This action can be deferred or completed manually. If the required dbc credentials are not provided, it is skipped. See Manually Adding the Unitymgmt User to a Teradata System.
- If a DBA includes the required root name and password, proxy authentication is configured on the Teradata system. This action triggers a reset of the Teradata system, in order to complete the proxy configuration.This action can be deferred or completed manually. If the required root credentials are not provided, it is skipped. See Manually Configuring Proxy Authentication on a Teradata System or Single Node.
- A full dictionary scan of the newly added system is executed so its objects are available in the Unity data dictionary. Any newly added objects are unmanaged by default.
- The newly added processes are started.