Do one of the following:
- Run the systemProxyConfig.sh script using the unityPasswd tool with required credentials. With this option, you do not have to specify required credentials as arguments.
Host:/opt/teradata/unity/scripts #./systemProxyConfig.sh -s tdpid
- If the username and password were not supplied using the unityPasswd tool, you must specify the user (typically root) and user password used to configure proxy on the Teradata system:
Host:/opt/teradata/unity/scripts #./systemProxyConfig.sh -s tdpid -u root -P [password]
- To repair the proxy on all Teradata system nodes on all Unity servers in parallel, use the PROXY PAIR command at the unityadmin prompt:
unityadmin> proxy pair [tdpid] password <system password>;
The PROXY PAIR command does not support the unityPasswd tool for supplying a password.To use this command, the root password must be synchronized on all system nodes. - Run the systemProxyConfig.sh script using the unityPasswd tool with required credentials. With this option, you do not have to specify required credentials as arguments.