Parameter | Default | Scope | Option | Description |
EndpointAddresses | No default | Per Process | Required |
List of IP addresses and optional ports on which the Endpoint process listens for client requests. Use commas to separate multiple IP addresses. The format of this parameter is:
any[:port] | <ip>[:<port>][,<ip> [:<port>], ...] The keyword any indicates that the Endpoint listens on all defined IP addresses on the Teradata system. The EndpointDefaultPort parameter specifies the port value. If the keyword any is not used, you can provide specific IP address values. The <port> value is optional. Any IP addresses given without a port value default to the value defined in the EndpointDefaultPort parameter. |
EndpointDefaultPort | 1025 | Per Process | Optional |
Port number for an IP address that is not defined as a port in EndpointAddresses. Client applications and users connect to this port. |
EndpointSIPAddresses | No default | Per Process | Optional |
List of Standby IP (SIP) addresses that the Endpoint process enables if Endpoints in other Regions are not available. Use commas to separate multiple SIP addresses. The SIP address values cannot be the same as the IP address values defined in EndpointAddresses . If the EndpointAddresses value is set to any , the EndpointSIPAddresses are ignored. The format of this parameter is:
<region> <ip>[:<port>][,<ip> [:<port>], ...][;<region> <ip>[:<port>][,<ip> [:<port>], ...]] Because this parameter can support the failover of Endpoint processes from multiple Regions, the <region> value specifies the name of the Regions for which the following IP address is enabled if the Endpoints in that Region are not available. For example: toronto,; sandiego, This example shows that if all Endpoints in the Toronto Region are unavailable, then this Endpoint enables and for available connections from clients that were connecting to the Endpoints in Toronto. It also specifies that if all the Endpoints in San Diego Region are unavailable, then this Endpoint enables and for available connections from clients that were connecting to Endpoints in San Diego. The <region> in this parameter cannot be the same as the Region value for the Endpoint process. The <ip>:<port> values cannot be the same as those defined in the EndpointAddresses parameter.
If the EndpointAddresses value is set to any, then values in the EndpointSIPAddresses are ignored. |
LoadCheckPointsLimit | 0 (Disabled) | When the parameter is set to 0, Unity does not check
the number of allowed checkpoints. When the parameter is set to a
positive number and the number of checkpoints exceeds the number,Unity
aborts the load to all systems and forces a rollback. Unity returns an
error 4536 to client: "Number of checkpoints exceeded checkpoint limit
setting." Restarted loads count from zero again. For example, if the
LoadCheckPointsLimit is set to 100, and a load job takes about 250
checkpoints, the Unity forces a rollback at checkpoint 101, then
restarts the load and only counts the checkpoints for the restart. Then
aborts after 100 and starts the load again until the load is complete.
LoadChunkTimeoutMS | 60000 | Time (in microseconds) that the endpoint waits for a data chunk response from the managed system. By default, it is set to 60000, with a minimum value of 10000, and no maximum value limit. Unity will reject any values underneath the minimum value. | ||
LoadDfsFileCloseAsync | False | Optional | With the default (False) value, loads to managed multiple database systems are not completely asynchronous. Load files are written to remote nodes asynchronously. However, at a load checkpoint end or load end, when closing load data files, Unity waits for all outstanding remote load data writes to finish. Loads to multiple database systems are synchronized at the end of any checkpoints and the end of the loads. When the parameter is set to true, loads to managed multiple database systems are completely asynchronous. Load data are written to remote nodes asynchronously and, at a load checkpoint end or load end, when closing load data files, Unity does not wait for all the outstanding remote writes of load data to finish. With the True setting, if there is significant network delay or low network bandwidth between the two Unity regions, load clients complete the loads much faster, as loading to a single database system directly, right after completing the loads to the database system at the local region. Unity complete the loads to the database system at the remote region, in the background. |
10000 | Time (in microseconds) that the endpoint waits for a LOGOFF response from the managed system. By default, it is set to 10000, with a minimum value of 1000 and no maximum value limit. Unity will reject any values underneath the minimum value. | ||
LoadLogonTimeoutMS | 60000 | Time (in microseconds) that the endpoint waits for a LOGON response from the managed system. By default, it is set to 60000, with a minimum value of 10000 and no maximum value limit. Unity will reject any values underneath the minimum value. | ||
LoadReadFromDiskThreshold | 5000 | 1000-to infinity | Parameter that controls the queue size before compelling a system to disk during a client load. If a queue for the slower system during a client load exceeds this threshold, the system instead loads data from disk for the current checkpoint instead of continuing to load data parcels from memory. Note that this feature (moving a slower system to read from disk instead of in-memory queue) only applies if LoadSpeedThrottle is disabled. | |
LoadSpeedThrottle | Enabled | Enabled and disabled | Controls whether or not the the load throttling feature is enabled. If enabled, Unity throttles faster systems down to ensure that the slower system does not fall too far behind. By default, slower system can fall behind by 5000 data parcels before the faster systems throttle down. The LoadSpeedThrottleThresholds config parameter controls this threshold. | |
LoadSpeedThrottleThreshold | Max=5000 | Optional configuration that controls both the maximum queue size before the throttle feature kicks in and how large the queue can be before delaying new data parcel queuing. Represented as a maximum minimum string, the max is set to 5000 by default. This means for a client load job, if the slower system queue is at 5000 data parcels or greater, the feature throttles the faster system. New data packets are held in memory until the queue for all systems has dropped below the minimum. The minimum, by default, is set to 4999. When the queue drops below 4999, the system can process new data parcels. | ||
ReadOvedrrideCport | 6001 | Global | Optional |
Port on which Unity listens for sockclient commands. However, sockclient commands are no longer supported. |