Changes state of a table object to the Unrecoverable state. The table object must be managed by Unity.
OBJECT DEACTIVATE {tablename [ON tdpid [, tdpid, ...]]} [ REASON reason];Parameters
- ON
- Change a table on a specific Teradata Database system.
- tdpid
- Unique identifier (TDPID) of a Teradata Database system.
- REASON reason
- User description of why the object is having its state changed.
- tablename
- The fully qualified table name if you are attempting to change the state of a table.
Usage Considerations
Unless you specify a table object name, running this command sets all table objects to the Unrecoverable state.
The table object becomes permanently inaccessible after running this operation.
The following changes a table temporal_user.mc_tab6 to the Unrecoverable state across all managed Teradata Database systems.
unityadmin> OBJECT DEACTIVATE temporal_user.mc_tab6;
The request is currently processing as operation number 2.
Operation Number : 2
Operation Name : Deactivating Table
User : admin
User Name : Main Administration User
Progress (%) : 100
Status : Finished (1)
Start Time : 01/17 10:45:46
Finish Time : 01/17 10:45:47
[1] bltor - Finished (1)
[2] fast - Finished (1)
01/17 10:45:47 [-] Info: Deactivating table temporal_user.mc_tab6
01/17 10:45:47 [-] Info: Successfully deactivated table on 2 systems
01/17 10:45:47 [-] Info: Operation finished