Allows Unity to skip a session that is interrupted.
SESSION SKIP APPLY <Unity Session ID> <transaction ID>ON <tdpid> [ACTIVE];Parameters
- Unity Session ID
- Assigned Unity session ID.
- Transaction ID
- Assigned Transaction ID.
- tdpid
- Unique identifier (TDPID) of a Teradata Database system.
- Disables the default behavior which sets all tables to unrecoverable. Instead, checks to see if the objects can be set to Active.
Usage Considerations
This command informs the recovery engine that the specified transaction on the specified session and TDPID should be skipped during recovery.
Skipping a transaction can cause tables to become out of sync immediately and other tables to become unrecoverable in subsequent transactions.
The transaction ID specified must be the transaction ID that is currently blocking recovery of the specified session. If the transaction ID does not match the session's interrupt transaction ID, the following error is returned: Specified transaction ID does not match expected interrupted transaction ID for session.
unityadmin> SESSION SKIP APPLY 1000 437 on flash; Warning: Skipping this transaction can cause tables to become out of sync immediately and other tables to become unrecoverable in subsequent transactions. To see a list of affected tables refer to the SESSION SKIP LIST command. Enter 'Yes' to skip this transaction: yes Tables affected by transaction ____________________________________ db2inst2.doc_test3 db2inst2.doc_test4 ____________________________________ 2 tables