Specifies the order of Teradata Database systems that Unity uses to calculate lowest common denominator (LCD) information.
SYSTEM ORDER <tdpid>, <tdpid>[, tdpid, ...];Parameters
- tdpid
- Unique identifier (TDPID) of a Teradata Database system.
Usage Considerations
- All current Teradata Database systems (use SYSTEM LIST to list all current Teradata Database systems) must be included in the list. For example, if td1, td2 and td3 have been added to Unity, the SYSTEM ORDER command must include all three TDPID values. The SYSTEM ORDER command cannot just specify td1 and td2.
- Executing this command multiple times overwrites existing information. If changed, the ordering only affects new sessions. Existing sessions already have the LCD information calculated and do not change if this command is run.
- If this command is not run, the default order of the Teradata Database systems results in the order with which they were added to Unity (using the SYSTEM ADD command, and using the order in which the systems were added during installation).
The following example uses the SYSTEM ORDER to place fast as the first system. You can run the SYSTEM LIST to show the change in system order.
unityadmin> SYSTEM ORDER fast,bltor;
Successfully ordered systems.
unityadmin> SYSTEM LIST;
fast, bltor