Alerts Tab Metrics | Teradata Unity - Alerts Tab Metrics - Continuous Availability - Teradata Unity

Teradata® Unity™ User Guide

Continuous Availability
Teradata Unity
Release Number
September 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
Column Description
Type Alert identifier.
Quantity Number of identical alerts.
Severity Indicator of the severity level of the alert. The Dashboard uses the following alerts:
  • "" indicates the severity level is critical and requires the attention of an administrator. The critical threshold is typically pre-configured by the administrator.
  • "" indicates a warning. A warning alert is a notification that the severity level exceeded the configured thresholds and is approaching critical.
  • "" indicates a normal condition. Normal alerts are provided for information purposes only and do not require administrator intervention.
Category Category assigned to the alert. Each alert is classified into one of these categories:
  • CFG: Configuration alerts related to the configuration of Unity; for example, errors that occur in the Unity configuration file.
  • CONS: Consistency alerts related to data consistency across Unity-managed Teradata Database systems; for example, a database placed in the unrecoverable state due to data mismatch.
  • DBO: Database operation alerts related to errors encountered by the Teradata Database system and sent to Unity; for example, a failed logon attempt.
  • HA: High availability alerts related to the high-availability configuration of Unity; for example, if the sequencers in a dual-system configuration are not in peer states, an alert is raised.
  • MGMT: Management alerts related to errors that occur in Unity management operations; for example, if Unity is unable to suspend the Teradata Database server.
  • SYS: System alerts related to management operation failures and general failures within the Unity environment (not including SQL errors); for example, errors due to loss of a connection to the Teradata Database server.
Description Brief statement about the alert condition
Most Recent Timestamp the alert was generated.
Cleared by User who cleared the alert.
Resource Type Process where alert occurred. Processes are sequencer, dispatcher, watchdog, system, and endpoint.
Process Specific name of process. For example, active_seq.
Region Name of region where the alert occurred.