ID |
Alert identifier. |
Code |
The type of alert. |
Type |
Alert type. |
Severity |
Indicator of the severity level of the alert. The Dashboard uses the following alerts:
indicates the severity level is critical and requires the attention of an administrator. The critical threshold is typically pre-configured by the administrator.
indicates a warning. A warning alert is a notification that the severity level exceeded the configured thresholds and is approaching critical.
indicates a normal condition. Normal alerts are provided for information purposes only and do not require administrator intervention.
Category |
Category assigned to the alert. Each alert is classified into one of these categories:
- CFG: Configuration alerts related to the configuration of Unity; for example, errors that occur in the Unity configuration file.
- CONS: Consistency alerts related to data consistency across Unity-managed Teradata Database systems; for example, a database placed in the unrecoverable state due to data mismatch.
- DBO: Database operation alerts related to errors encountered by the Teradata Database system and sent to Unity; for example, a failed logon attempt.
- HA: High availability alerts related to the high-availability configuration of Unity; for example, if the sequencers in a dual-system configuration are not in peer states, an alert is raised.
- MGMT: Management alerts related to errors that occur in Unity management operations; for example, if Unity is unable to suspend the Teradata Database server.
- SYS: System alerts related to management operation failures and general failures within the Unity environment (not including SQL errors); for example, errors due to loss of a connection to the Teradata Database server.
Description |
Brief statement about the alert condition |
Raised at |
Timestamp the alert was generated. |
Cleared by |
User who cleared the alert. |
Resource Type |
Process where alert occurred. Processes are sequencer, dispatcher, watchdog, system, and endpoint. |
Process |
Specific name of process. For example, active_seq. |
Region |
Name of region where the alert occurred. |
Operation ID |
Every operation in Unity is assigned a unique identifier. Identifiers are tied to the sequencer. Should a sequencer failover, the newly active sequencer will assign its own identifiers. |
Repeat Count |
Some alerts are encountered multiple times (for example, users failing to login). Instead of raising unique alerts every time, Unity increases the repeat count of the alert. |